AGM Agenda 2019


23rd October 2019, commencing at 8:00 pm

St Paul’s United Reformed Church, Croham Road

The formal meeting will be coupled with an address from and  Question and Answer session with Chris Philp MP – subject to his schedule allowing.

  1. To confirm the Minutes of the AGM held on 20th October 2018
  2. To consider any matters arising from the above Minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report and Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/2019
  4. To elect an Honorary Auditor for 2019/2020
  5. Chairman’s Report for 2018/2019
  6. To elect the President of the Association and up to 4 vice-presidents for 2019/2020
  7. To elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Minutes Secretary for 2019/2020
  8. To elect not more than 9 members of the Association to serve on the Executive  Committee for 2019/2020
  9. Any other business

Croham Valley Residents’ Association

Nomination of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee for 2019/2020

NAME………………………………….is nominated for the position of………………………………………

Proposed by………………………………………………….

Seconded by…………………………………………………

