Minutes of 56th AGM 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2023 at St Pauls Church Hall

The meeting commenced at 8.p.m.

The meeting was initiated by the Chairman Jeremy Gill

Our local MP, Chris Philp attended . The President of the Association, Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA , Councillors Danielle Denton, Michael Neal , Maria Gatland  and Mayor Perry sent their apologies

Committee officers present:

David Rutherford
Jeremy Gill
Jaffer Kapasi
Wendy Love
Michael Somers
Elizabeth Thomas
Shalin Shah


The minutes of the A.G.M. held on Wednesday 25th October 2023 were approved and adopted as an accurate record.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report 

The honorary treasurer, Wendy Love, presented her report with the Statement of Accounts for 2023/2024 duly audited and signed. Copies were distributed to those present and they are available on cvra.org.uk Wendy’s report was approved and she was thanked for her work.  The Chairman pointed out that Wendy puts in more work for the association than any other officer and it was appreciated.

Election of Honorary Auditor for 2024/2025

Mr Peter Knight was elected.  Mr Gill proposed his appointment, which was seconded by Mr Rutherford.

Chair’s Report for 2023/2024

The Chairman updated the meeting. Please see cvra.org.uk for Chairman’s Report

Mr. Gill’s report was approved.

Election of the President of the Association and up to 4 vice-presidents for 2024/2025

Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA was proposed and seconded as President for 2024/2025 and the meeting approved his appointment.

Election of offices of the Association for 2024/2025

Mr. Jeremy Gill being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Chair for 2024/2025.

There was no nominee for the office of Vice-Chair.  It therefore remains vacant.

Mrs. Wendy Love being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Honorary Treasurer for 2024/2025.

There was no nominee for the office of Honorary secretary.  It therefore remains vacant.

Election of (no more than 9) executive committee members of the Association for 2022/2023

David Rutherford, Shalin Shah, Elizabeth Thomas and Michael Somers were the only nominees. Therefore, all four were proposed and seconded as committee members for 2023/2024.

There was no other business so Mr Gill thanked the meeting for their attendance and input. Thanking those present for attending and sharing their concerns the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 9.30pm.

Sara Pevsner and Michael Somers were standing down. They were thanked for their work.


Address by Chris Philp MP

Chris talked about the 4 Ps and 2 Cs

Chris was proud that the offender facial recognition system first rolled out in Croydon has now expanded nationally. He indicated that there is evidence offenders avoid Croydon to avoided being recognised and detained

Chris is working with the police to counter phone theft particularly from children in specific areas eg South Croydon Station. More police on the streets is the answer

An Eastern European gang has just been arrested for wholesale catalytic converter theft which should bring the incidences of this theft down.

Chris and Mayor Perry continue to reject applications fir the demolition of family homes to build flats.

Purley Pool
The planning application of the development of Purley Pool should be assessed by the Council later this year. The application does not contain as much parking as Chris would like but its the most Mayor Khan will allow under the current regulations for a site with such high levels of public transport infrastructure.

Purley Hospital
Services are increasing. It now contains a community diagnostic centre. It needs to be used.

Coulsdon Non-Profit banking centre
As there are no banks left in Coulsdon, Chris is working to set up one of the above. This will be one of 50 sponsored by the Government in the country.

Coulsdon Medical Centre
Chris is working to replace the old Cavat Classrooms with a Medical Centre

Chris answered the following questions


Q1     Will any of the old regime face any criminal convictions for the bankruptcy of Croydon Council
A1     Chris believes the four main individuals in charge were the Chief Executive, the Financial Director, the Head of Council and the Councillor for Finance. A file has been handed over to the police to see whether there is a possibility for Malfeasance in Public Office. But it is a high bar to cross.

Q2   Are the flats in the Centre of Croydon full!
A2  As far as Chris was aware they are full.

Q3  When will the old Nestle building be completed.
A3  Unfortunately it is owned by a Chinese developer who is having financing problems. Similar for the old Georges Walk Site.

Q4  Will the Purley Pool and Leisure Centre be self financing after completion.
A4 Yes experience from the existing leisure centers show they break even.

Q5  What about the Whitgift Centre development.
A6  It is hoped there will be a planning application early in 2025

There were additional questions from the floor

Q1  Can we encourage the Old Whits to manage their conifers?

Q3 Can we try to encourage the council to standardise the road markings along our roads? Some end too close to the intersections

Q4  It was felt there was too much speeding on the Avenues and Campden Road. Can we investigate?

Q5  The park of Lloyd Park used as parking for the tram upgrade work was left in a poor state.  Can we investigate?

Jeremy Gill

Author: Jeremy Gill

Chair, CVRA

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