Local Planning App

CVRA Local Planning Application Web Site

CVRA Local Planning Application Website

covers all roads and post codes and is updated weekly with planning application related information.  More details here
Local Planning Information for CVRA can be found here.


The CVRA are pleased to announce that the above-mentioned application went live in June 2018 covering all roads and post codes covered by your Association and is available for use by all CVRA residents free of charge and is updated weekly with planning application related information.

This web service is the first of its kind to be available within the UK. It makes planning application information available in a convenient customised website suitable for Residents’ Associations. The site has been designed and provided by Geoff James of Local Planning Apps.

The service currently reports planning applications and appeals related to the Croydon and Bromley councils and is currently used by seven other Croydon Residents’ Associations.

Summary Level Guidance Notes for using the application:

  • Planning Table

This is the main table of information in the application and is updated weekly and provides the following:

    • On the first screen of this table there’s a Help Button which takes you into the Quick Instructions, Advanced Instructions and Content Guide
    • Tracking of new and existing planning applications
    • Tracking of new and existing appeals
    • Shows building applications
    • Shows recently approved planning applications including appeals
    • For pending planning applications, it specifies if the consultation period has ended or if comments have been updated
    • For all displayed planning applications there are easy links on each application to the planning application details, all related planning documents, history for that particular address plus a map
    • Also there’s the ability for residents to register for email alerts
  • Road Names and Post Codes Table
    • Details all Roads and Post Codes in the CVRA area
    • Ability to search by individual address, a post code or a road with a count of the results and then being able to go into those individual planning applications
    • There’s up to 6 years history
  • Map Table
    • On the first screen of this table there’s a Map Help Button which takes you into the Planning Map Guide
    • There are Filters, Display Key and the option of a larger version of the Map
  • About – Has details covering the following about the application:
    • CVRA Gold+ the options that the CVRA has signed up for
    • Compatibility
    • Privacy
    • Terms & Conditions
    • Accreditations

If you have any questions about using this application, please contact David Rutherford ([email protected])