23rd October 2019, commencing at 8:00 pm
St Paul’s United Reformed Church, Croham Road
The formal meeting will be coupled with an address from and Question and Answer session with Chris Philp MP – subject to his schedule allowing.
- To confirm the Minutes of the AGM held on 20th October 2018
- To consider any matters arising from the above Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report and Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/2019
- To elect an Honorary Auditor for 2019/2020
- Chairman’s Report for 2018/2019
- To elect the President of the Association and up to 4 vice-presidents for 2019/2020
- To elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Minutes Secretary for 2019/2020
- To elect not more than 9 members of the Association to serve on the Executive Committee for 2019/2020
- Any other business
Croham Valley Residents’ Association
Nomination of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee for 2019/2020
NAME………………………………….is nominated for the position of………………………………………
Proposed by………………………………………………….
Seconded by…………………………………………………