You Are Invited To Attend the 52nd Annual General Meeting
of the Croham Valley Residents’ Association
All members and residents of The Croham Valley Residents’ Association area are welcome
Via Teleconference Wednesday 11 November 8pm
Chris Philp MP will address the meeting at 8pm (time permitting)
His Honour William Barnett QC will chair the meeting. Anyone wanting to be member of the committee must be nominated. Nomination forms are below and can be sent to Jeremy Gill at 27 Castlemaine Avenue CR27HU
- To confirm the minutes of the 51st AGM held on 23rd October 2019.
(Link: Minutes. - To consider any matters arising.
- Treasurer’s report and Annual Statement of Accounts for 2019/ 2020.
(Link: Treasurer’s Report. ) - To elect Honorary Auditor for 2020/ 2021.
Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA has kindly agreed to be re-proposed. - Chairman’s report for 2019/2020.
(Link: Chairman’s Review of the Year. ) - To elect the President and up to 4 Vice presidents for 2020/ 2021.
His Honour William BarnettQC has jindly agreed to be re-proposed. - To elect the Chair, Vice Chair, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary for 2020/2021.
Mr Jeremy Gill has kindly agreed to be re-proposed as Chairman.
Ms Wendy Love has kindly agreed to be re-proposed as Honorary Treasurer. - To elect Members of the Association to serve on the Committee for 2020/2021
Mr David Rutherford, Ms Linda Oram, Ms Sara Pevsner and Mr Paul Sowan all kindly agreed - Any other business
Croham Valley Residents’ Association
Nomination of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee for
NAME………………………………….is nominated for the position of………………………………………
Proposed by………………………………………………….
Seconded by…………………………………………………