Treasurers Report 2024

Treasurer’s report to the Annual General Meeting of Croham Valley Residents’ Association
8th October 2024
Year ending 31st July 2024
In the year ending 31st July 2024 the association brought in income of £322. This consisted of £164 in
subscriptions and £158 of donations. There was no advertising income. Expenditure totalled £687.
Added to the balance brought forward from 2022-23, of £4,293, this resulted in a cash balance of £3,929 as at 31st July 2024.
Please see the distributed accounts for the year with prior year comparisons. These are available on the
website;,.and will be published in the next Newsletter. If you would like a copy sent to you
please request one by emailing [email protected] .
Subscriptions for 2023/24 are, unfortunately, still low. However since August 2024 a new electronic
collection method has been set up and we are optimistic that the new system will be able to collect
subscriptions and circulate information to all members who have signed up with their email addresses.
This year we be calling on all dwellings in our area to ensure that all those who wish to subscribe have the
opportunity to do so. We have had difficulty recovering from the effect of the Corona Virus epidemic,
COVID19, aggravated by the loss of key members of the committee and our distributors. Without our band
of dedicated collectors we have not been able to collect the annual subscriptions, but I proffer my sincere
thanks to the residents who have paid by bank transfer or dropped the funds through my door this year.
We are still looking for help to effectively implement the new electronic system to collect subscriptions and distribute news. If you can help in any way, please contact me on 07834 957391.
Our intense planning work, driven by David Rutherford, has not stopped and the News sheets, with updates, are available on-line from our website and are emailed to all those who have provided an email address.
Advertising income for 2023/24 is currently non-existent and will only recommence when we can arrange
an appropriate service. There is advertising on our website but we are currently not charging for that.
Expenditure remains low due to the lack of face to face activities and we have continued to ensure that all
costs have been kept to a minimum. However we are hopeful that in 2024-25 we will be able to, with your
help, recruit new committee members and volunteers to reinvigorate the work of this residents’ association.
As you can see, we have a healthy bank balance, are able to function happily at the current level and have
some funds available to invest in new activities.
The Executive Committee have asked me to express their sincere thanks to our team of dedicated volunteers including Peter Kight for auditing our accounts. I trust it was not too arduous and that Peter will continue in the role for some time to come.
Wendy A Love FCCA
Hon. Treasurer