AGM Agenda 2023

Dear Residents and Supporters,

You are invited to attend the 55th AGM of the Croham Valley Residents’ Association on Wednesday 25th October from 7:30pm for Cheese and Wine with the AGM commencing at 8pm.

Your MP Chris Philp will talk and will answer questions.

The meeting will take place at St. Paul’s Church Hall, corner of Croham Park Avenue and Croham Road.

All members and residents of the CVRA area are welcome.

We anticipate Mayor Jason Perry will also address the meeting and our Councillors will be in attendance.

Please put this in your diaries and pass it on.   Chris Philp to talk upon his arrival.

AGM Agenda
1.    To confirm the minutes of the 54th AGM held on 25th October 2022:
2.    To consider any matters arising.
3.    Treasurer’s report and Annual Statement of Accounts for 2022/2023.
4.    To elect Honorary Auditor for 2024/2024.
5.    Chairman’s report for 2022/2023.
6.    To elect the President and up to 4 Vice Presidents for 2023/ 2024.
7.    To elect the Chair, Vice Chair, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary
Secretary for 2023/2024.
8.    To elect not more than 9 members of the Association to serve on the
Executive Committee for 2023/2024.
9.    Future of Old Palace Site in Melville Av.
10.    Covenants around Old Whits as a result of legal rulings.
11.    Purley Pool options.
12.    Lloyd Park issues.
13.    Overall Planning Policy / Conservation Areas
14.    Issues from other RAs.
15.    Chris Philp, MP will address the meeting.
16.    Mayor Jason Perry will address meeting.
17.    Any other business.