AGM Agenda 2021

You Are Invited To Attend the 53rd Annual General Meeting
of the Croham Valley Residents’ Association
All members and residents of The CVRA area are welcome
On Wed 20th October 2021 at 8pm
In person at St. Paul’s Church Hall, corner of Croham Park Avenue and Croham
You can attend the meeting remotely via Zoom where you will need to register
in advance for the meeting at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.
Anyone wanting to be member of the CVRA Committee must be nominated,
Completed Nomination forms (download here ) can be submitted in person to 27 Castelmaine or 48 Croham Valley, by email to [email protected], via the website or handed to the chair on the night of 20th October before 8pm.

His Honour William Barnett QC will chair the meeting
Chris Philp MP will address the meeting at 8pm

1. To confirm the minutes of the 52nd AGM held 11th November 2020
2. To consider any matters arising
3. Treasurer’s report and annual statement of accounts for 2020-2021
4. To elect Honorary Auditor for 2021-2022
5. Chair’s Report for 2020-2021
6. To elect the President and Vice-Presidents (maximum of four) for 2021-2022
7. To elect the Chair, Vice Chair , Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer for 2021-2022.
8. To elect not more than nine members of the Associatio
9. n to serve on the Executive Committee.
10. Any other business.

Nomination Form

Croham Valley Residents’ Association