held on 11th November 2020
Un-adopted Minutes of the meeting held at 8pm on Wednesday 11th November via ZOOM due to Covid restrictions.
The meeting commenced at 8.p.m.
The meeting was presided over by the President of the Association, His Honour William Barnett Q.C.. Our local MP, Chris Philp, sent his apologies. Councillor Jason Perry provided a local update.
Committee officers present:
David Rutherford
Jeremy Gill
Jaffer Kapasi
Wendy Love
Sara Pevsner
Mahesh Upadhyaha
Apologies were received from:
Linda Oram
His Honour William Barnett addressed the meeting. He welcomed all attendees, announced apologies.
The minutes of the A.G.M. held on Wednesday 23th October 2019 were approved and adopted as an accurate record.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
The honorary treasurer, Wendy Love, presented her report with the Statement of Accounts for 2019/2020 duly audited and signed. Copies were distributed to those present and will be available on the website. Wendy’s report was approved and she was thanked for her work. The Chairman pointed out that Wendy puts in more work for the association than any other officer and it was appreciated.
Election of Honorary Auditor for 2020/2021
Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA was re-elected. Mr Gill proposed his appointment, which was seconded by Mr Rutherford.
Chair’s Report for 2019/2020
The Chairman updated the meeting. Please see the Chairman’s report at https://cvra.org.uk/chairmans-report-2020/.
Mr. Gill’s report was approved.
At this point Mr Barnett stood down from the chair and Mr Knight took over.
Election of the President of the Association and up to 4 vice-presidents for 2020/2021
His Honour William Barnett QC was proposed and seconded as President for 2020/21 and the meeting approved his re-appointment nem. con.
Having been re-elected Mr Barnett once again presided.
Election of offices of the Association for 2020/2021
Mr. Jeremy Gill being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Chair for 2020/2021 nem. con.
There was no nominee for the office of Vice-Chair. It therefore remains vacant.
Mrs. Wendy Love being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Honorary Treasurer for 2020/2021 nem. con.
There was no nominee for the office of Honorary secretary. It therefore remains vacant.
Election of (no more than 9) executive committee members of the Association for 2019/2020
Linda Oram, David Rutherford, Sara Pevsner and Paul Sowan were the only nominees. Therefore, all four were proposed and seconded as committee members for 2020/2021 nem. con.
There was no other business so Mr. Barnett thanked the meeting for their attendance and input. Thanking those present for attending and sharing their concerns the President brought the meeting to a close at 9.30pm.
Guest Speaker – Mr Jason Perry Ward Councillor.
Jason updated the meeting about the recent bankruptcy of Croydon Council.
As the financial position of the Council had deteriorated The Labour administration had not looked to save money. Rather the administration had poured money into speculative investments such as Brick by Brick, shopping centers and the Croydon Park Hotel.
Croydon’s reserves had shrunk from £40million in 2014 to £7million.
All nice to have services will disappear over the next few years and we will be left with Statutory Services only under the section 114 notice.
Regarding planning it was noticed that despite Paul Scott being part of the now discredited group of Councillors running the Council, he was still on the planning committee.
Councillor Perry also pointed out that the current excess level of approvals of new development within Croydon meant that the Council were 31% over the level of new units to be delivered under current plan.
Questions from the floor
Mr John Kennedy pointed out that that the new “watch your speed” sign on the approach to Selsdon traffic lights is actually obscuring the lights themselves. Jeremy Gill said he would look into it.