Croham Valley Residents’ Association
David Rutherford
2 Ballards Rise
South Croydon, CR2 7JT
Tel: 020 8657 8787 / 07768 642432
Email: [email protected]
7 th March 2024
Dear Fellow Resident,
Re: Planning Application No. 24/00648/FUL – 78 Coombe Road, Croydon, CR0 5RA; Demolition of
Existing Dwelling and Erection of a 3 Storey Building (facing Coombe Road) with a 2 Storey
Rear Element (facing Croham Park Avenue) Containing 8 Flats (7 Two Bedroom and 1 Three
Bedroom) with a Total of 4 Off Road Parking Spaces.
To view all documents in connection with this application, go here
I’m advising you of a new Planning Application as detailed above which has been submitted by Oasis CP Projects Ltd. A good number of your fellow residents will be objecting to this new Application, as will your Residents’ Association and hopefully one of our local Councillors will raise a referral.
However, it also needs other residents to do the same, I would add that you do not have to be one of the
directly affected residents to Object to this Planning Application and that you only need to write a few lines or take one of the points listed below to Object to this application. Also, every member of a household age 18 and over can separately Object to the same Planning Application.
You can object to this Planning Application in 3 different ways as follows:
Using the link above after entering the application number, on the page under Make a Public
Comment you object together with your reasons / comments etc
By Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
By Letter: Development Management, Place Dept, London Borough of Croydon, 6th Floor, Bernard
Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA
Letters and emails should be marked for the attention of Jeni Cowan who is the case officer.
The deadline for the Council to receive objections to this application is the 22nd March 2024.
This new Planning Application can be Objected to on the following basis:
1. The proposed development fails to respect the local development pattern, layout, siting and dominates
the plot with it towering above 78a Coombe Road and being in close proximity to 54 Croham Park
2.The proposed development fails to respect the local development pattern, layout, siting and dominates the plot with it towering above 78a Coombe Road and being in close proximity to 54 Croham Park Avenue.
3. The proposed residential unit mix fails to provide sufficient level of family residential accommodation i.e. three bedrooms or more. Only 1 of the 8 units has 3 bedrooms, which amounts to 12.5%, and therefore
well below the target of 30% set out in SP2.7 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018).
4. This proposed development will add an additional 17 bedrooms and potentially 33 persons, there’s a total lack of consideration of the impact on the local infrastructure: e.g. Schools, GP Surgeries and Drainage etc.
5. This proposed development has a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) rating of 2 which means the parking provision is not adequate for the site. The proposed off road parking provision of 4 is totally
inadequate and will mean that overspill parking on Croham Park Avenue and Binfield Road. Also, there’s
the potential that some of these flats will have more than one car and this together with the lack of any
visitor parking bays just adds to the parking issue. At an absolute minimum there should be 1 off road
parking bay per flat with one of these being a wider disabled parking bay.
6. Further on the issue of off road parking spaces, the nearby developed site at 86 Coombe Road on the
corner of Castlemaine Avenue of 8 flats that was completed in 2016 has 8 off road parking spaces which is
what this proposed development at 78 Coombe Road should have.
7. A number of existing properties surrounding the proposed development in Coombe Road and Croham
Park Avenue will suffer loss of privacy and visual intrusion to varying extents due to overlooking.
8. It’s unacceptable that there are no solar panels are being installed on the building.
Please help protect your Croham Valley area from these Developers; it’s important that you Object to this
particular Planning Application because of the risk of establishing a dangerous precedent, the strength of local opinion does count in many cases, as has been seen recently.
If I don’t already have your email address, please kindly provide it, as it will make future communications much easier for me, also if you would like me to send you this document electronically in order that you can cut and paste any of the information, just email me.
Thanks & best regards,
On behalf of the Croham Valley Residents’ Association,
David Rutherford, CVRA Committee Member
Responsible for Planning Related Matters
CC: CVRA Committee Members