Purley Pool: Second Planning Application

Seven local Residents’ Associations (RAs) in and around the Purley area have got together to look at the controversial planning application from Polaska to demolish the multi-storey car park and current closed leisure centre in Purley, and to erect new buildings of 5 to 12 storeys high and to build a new leisure centre, an Integrated Retirement Community comprising a mix of Specialist Older Persons Housing and Care Accommodation for older people, car parking, and associated works.

Whilst all the RAs are very keen to see a new leisure centre built in Purley, serving our area, we believe this should not be at any cost.  In addition, to our concerns about the financial stability of the developer and the height of the buildings, which do not comply with the current Croydon Local Plan, we are particularly concerned about the loss of the 424 car parking spaces currently available in the public multi-storey town centre car park, serving the town.

In the new development, there will only be 50 parking spaces available for public use, including 5 disabled parking bays. There will also be 28 parking spaces available for the Integrated Retirement Community, including 4 disabled spaces which, although initially will be available for public use, will revert to the Retirement Community once the apartments have been built and occupied, if they need them. Effectively, this means there will not be an increase in the number of car parking spaces from the previous plans submitted. There will only be 50 public spaces in comparison to the current 424 spaces. The RAs believe some of these 50 spaces will also be reserved for electric vehicle charging, as well as 5 disabled spaces. There will be no priority for users of the leisure centre.

Additionally, planning permission has been granted for the redevelopment of the Purley railway station car park for 238 flats and up to 9 storeys high, plus a new smaller station car park, which is also on Whytecliffe Road South. We believe the loss of the 374 spaces from the multi-storey car park together with the reduction of spaces available after the development of the Purley Station site will surely have a significantly detrimental effect on the retail trade in Purley Town Centre. We know Purley has excellent public transport links, but we also know that many of the surrounding areas containing the customers who come to Purley, do not.

This belief is amplified by the parking projections in the application which show there is a deficit of 14 spaces at peak time in Purley once the 374 spaces are gone. This assumes the Tesco Car Park will not be available to take the users currently using the multi-storey, an eventuality the Council admits is a possibility in the long term.  Of course, these figures do not include future users of the leisure Centre (which has been closed since 2020), or the increase in the number of patients using Purley Hospital.  There has been a large increase in the diagnostics at the hospital with a resulting increase in patient numbers, many of whom will need to drive there, and at a time when the hospital has reduced its parking spaces available.

Additionally, a new significantly larger Mosque is currently being built on Whytecliffe Road South. When planning permission was granted in March 2021, it was inferred in the reports that their members would be able to park in the Purley multi-storey car park, the Purley station car park and Tesco car park. This will not be the case for this much reduced Council car park.

The seven RAs believe it is very difficult to see how there will be sufficient parking spaces for the users of the leisure centre, hospital, railway station and Mosque, in addition to people wanting to eat and shop in the town after the completion of all these developments and we believe it could be the ‘death Knell’ for some shops and restaurants in Purley town centre, through lack of custom. Also, can the leisure centre be viable with so little prioritised parking?

Please consider objecting to these new proposals by midnight on Thursday 6 February 2025 on this link to the Croydon Council’s planning website; 



Riddlesdown RA, Hartley & District RA, East Coulsdon RA, Selsdon RA, 

Croham Valley RA, Old Coulsdon RA, Coulsdon West RA

Tree Preservation Orders for 11 trees in the Old Palace Junior School site

The Council has this week placed preservation orders on 11 trees within the site. We thank Mr Goode of  Planning and Sustainable Regeneration Division within the Planning Department for registering these trees.  We also thank the Whitgift Foundation for preserving these trees during the sales process.

Details of the TPOs (including a map at the end of the document)  are below.


Croydon’s Housing Targets:  Where are we?

Croydon’s Housing Targets:  Where are we as of March 2023?

Is Croydon building sufficient new homes – and the right mix of housing for Mayor Perry not to be reeled in by either Mayor Khan or the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities? 

The current target per annum agreed with Mayor Khan is 2,079 units starting in 2019 up to 2029. After 2029  Croydon Council are proposing around 1,200 units per annum until December 2040.  

The last time I wrote on this was in December 2023 with March 2022 data and the Council was meeting these targets and in addition had a pipeline of 11,893units. You need a pipeline to show you are going to meet the targets in future.  This data was published in the Annual Monitoring Report for 2021/2022.

I suspected that by December 2023 Croydon was well in excess of its targets given the number of blocks completed around East Croydon in that year. As I have said before, to me all this high rise development around East Croydon is on balance good.

We now have some new numbers. For the four years from the start of this plan cycle up to March 2023 Croydon has built 8,754 units vs a target of 8,316.  This is 105% of the target. Well done Croydon Council in facilitating this.

To compare this with the whole of London, the London wide target is 52,287 units per annum. So for the four years the cumulative target is 209,148 and the actual completions are 145,444. So completions are 69.54% of the total.   This puts Croydon’s performance in even better light. Especially as Croydon has the seventh highest housing target of all the 33 London boroughs and the highest for an outer London borough.  However we should have a high target as we have East Croydon Station. Can you Spot it on the “Access Map”?This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is jeremy-target01-1.jpg

However how is Croydon doing in meeting its targets on affordable homes and family homes? The answer as of March2022 was – badly.   For affordable homes the target is 50% and the current run rate is 17%. For family homes – homes with three bedrooms or more – the target is 30% and the current run rate is 16%.  An update on these numbers to follow.

This is a follow up of the original piece here

Minutes of 56th AGM 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2023 at St Pauls Church Hall

The meeting commenced at 8.p.m.

The meeting was initiated by the Chairman Jeremy Gill

Our local MP, Chris Philp attended . The President of the Association, Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA , Councillors Danielle Denton, Michael Neal , Maria Gatland  and Mayor Perry sent their apologies

Committee officers present:

David Rutherford
Jeremy Gill
Jaffer Kapasi
Wendy Love
Michael Somers
Elizabeth Thomas
Shalin Shah


The minutes of the A.G.M. held on Wednesday 25th October 2023 were approved and adopted as an accurate record.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report 

The honorary treasurer, Wendy Love, presented her report with the Statement of Accounts for 2023/2024 duly audited and signed. Copies were distributed to those present and they are available on cvra.org.uk Wendy’s report was approved and she was thanked for her work.  The Chairman pointed out that Wendy puts in more work for the association than any other officer and it was appreciated.

Election of Honorary Auditor for 2024/2025

Mr Peter Knight was elected.  Mr Gill proposed his appointment, which was seconded by Mr Rutherford.

Chair’s Report for 2023/2024

The Chairman updated the meeting. Please see cvra.org.uk for Chairman’s Report

Mr. Gill’s report was approved.

Election of the President of the Association and up to 4 vice-presidents for 2024/2025

Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA was proposed and seconded as President for 2024/2025 and the meeting approved his appointment.

Election of offices of the Association for 2024/2025

Mr. Jeremy Gill being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Chair for 2024/2025.

There was no nominee for the office of Vice-Chair.  It therefore remains vacant.

Mrs. Wendy Love being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Honorary Treasurer for 2024/2025.

There was no nominee for the office of Honorary secretary.  It therefore remains vacant.

Election of (no more than 9) executive committee members of the Association for 2022/2023

David Rutherford, Shalin Shah, Elizabeth Thomas and Michael Somers were the only nominees. Therefore, all four were proposed and seconded as committee members for 2023/2024.

There was no other business so Mr Gill thanked the meeting for their attendance and input. Thanking those present for attending and sharing their concerns the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 9.30pm.

Sara Pevsner and Michael Somers were standing down. They were thanked for their work.


Address by Chris Philp MP

Chris talked about the 4 Ps and 2 Cs

Chris was proud that the offender facial recognition system first rolled out in Croydon has now expanded nationally. He indicated that there is evidence offenders avoid Croydon to avoided being recognised and detained

Chris is working with the police to counter phone theft particularly from children in specific areas eg South Croydon Station. More police on the streets is the answer

An Eastern European gang has just been arrested for wholesale catalytic converter theft which should bring the incidences of this theft down.

Chris and Mayor Perry continue to reject applications fir the demolition of family homes to build flats.

Purley Pool
The planning application of the development of Purley Pool should be assessed by the Council later this year. The application does not contain as much parking as Chris would like but its the most Mayor Khan will allow under the current regulations for a site with such high levels of public transport infrastructure.

Purley Hospital
Services are increasing. It now contains a community diagnostic centre. It needs to be used.

Coulsdon Non-Profit banking centre
As there are no banks left in Coulsdon, Chris is working to set up one of the above. This will be one of 50 sponsored by the Government in the country.

Coulsdon Medical Centre
Chris is working to replace the old Cavat Classrooms with a Medical Centre

Chris answered the following questions


Q1     Will any of the old regime face any criminal convictions for the bankruptcy of Croydon Council
A1     Chris believes the four main individuals in charge were the Chief Executive, the Financial Director, the Head of Council and the Councillor for Finance. A file has been handed over to the police to see whether there is a possibility for Malfeasance in Public Office. But it is a high bar to cross.

Q2   Are the flats in the Centre of Croydon full!
A2  As far as Chris was aware they are full.

Q3  When will the old Nestle building be completed.
A3  Unfortunately it is owned by a Chinese developer who is having financing problems. Similar for the old Georges Walk Site.

Q4  Will the Purley Pool and Leisure Centre be self financing after completion.
A4 Yes experience from the existing leisure centers show they break even.

Q5  What about the Whitgift Centre development.
A6  It is hoped there will be a planning application early in 2025

There were additional questions from the floor

Q1  Can we encourage the Old Whits to manage their conifers?

Q3 Can we try to encourage the council to standardise the road markings along our roads? Some end too close to the intersections

Q4  It was felt there was too much speeding on the Avenues and Campden Road. Can we investigate?

Q5  The park of Lloyd Park used as parking for the tram upgrade work was left in a poor state.  Can we investigate?

Chris comes to at our 2024 AGM

Chris talked about the 4 Ps and 2 Cs

Chris was proud that the offender facial recognition system first rolled out in Croydon has now expanded nationally. He indicated that there is evidence offenders avoid Croydon to avoided being recognised and detained

Chris is working with the police to counter phone theft particularly from children in specific areas eg South Croydon Station. More police on the streets is the answer

An Eastern European gang has just been arrested for wholesale catalytic converter theft which should bring the incidences of this theft down.

Chris and Mayor Perry continue to reject applications fir the demolition of family homes to build flats.

Purley Pool
The planning application of the development of Purley Pool should be assessed by the Council later this year. The application does not contain as much parking as Chris would like but its the most Mayor Khan will allow under the current regulations for a site with such high levels of public transport infrastructure.

Purley Hospital
Services are increasing. It now contains a community diagnostic centre. It needs to be used.

Coulsdon Non-Profit banking centre
As there are no banks left in Coulsdon, Chris is working to set up one of the above. This will be one of 50 sponsored by the Government in the country.

Coulsdon Medical Centre
Chris is working to replace the old Cavat Classrooms with a Medical Centre

Chris answered the following questions


Q1     Will any of the old regime face any criminal convictions for the bankruptcy of Croydon Council
A1     Chris believes the four main individuals in charge were the Chief Executive, the Financial Director, the Head of Council and the Councillor for Finance. A file has been handed over to the police to see whether there is a possibility for Malfeasance in Public Office. But it is a high bar to cross.

Q2   Are the flats in the Centre of Croydon full!
A2  As far as Chris was aware they are full.

Q3  When will the old Nestle building be completed.
A3  Unfortunately it is owned by a Chinese developer who is having financing problems. Similar for the old Georges Walk Site.

Q4  Will the Purley Pool and Leisure Centre be self financing after completion.
A4 Yes experience from the existing leisure centers show they break even.

Q5  What about the Whitgift Centre development.
A6  It is hoped there will be a planning application early in 2025


Minutes of 55th AGM 2023

Minutes of the meeting held on 25th October 2023 at St Pauls Church Hall

The meeting commenced at 8.p.m.

The meeting was initiated by the President of the Association, Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA.

Our local MP, Chris Philp attended as did Councillors Danielle Denton, Michael Neal and Robert Ward and Mayor Perry.

Committee officers present:

David Rutherford
Jeremy Gill
Jaffer Kapasi
Wendy Love
Sara Pevsner
Michael Sumers
Elizabeth Thomas

Shalin Shah


Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA addressed the meeting. He welcomed all attendees, announced apologies.


The minutes of the A.G.M. held on Wednesday 20th October 2021 were approved and adopted as an accurate record.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report 

The honorary treasurer, Wendy Love, presented her report with the Statement of Accounts for 2022/2023 duly audited and signed. Copies were distributed to those present and will be available on the website.  Wendy’s report was approved and she was thanked for her work.  The Chairman pointed out that Wendy puts in more work for the association than any other officer and it was appreciated.

Election of Honorary Auditor for 2023/2024

Mr Peter Knight was elected.  Mr Gill proposed his appointment, which was seconded by Mr Rutherford.

Chair’s Report for 2022/2023

The Chairman updated the meeting. Please see cvra.org.uk for Chairman’s Report

Mr. Gill’s report was approved.

At this point Mr Barnett stood down from the chair and Mr Gill took over.

Election of the President of the Association and up to 4 vice-presidents for 2022/2023

Mr Jaffer A. Kapasi OBE FFA was proposed and seconded as President for 2023/2024 and the meeting approved his appointment.

Having been elected Mr Kapasi  presided.

Election of offices of the Association for 2022/2023

Mr. Jeremy Gill being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Chair for 2023/2024.

There was no nominee for the office of Vice-Chair.  It therefore remains vacant.

Mrs. Wendy Love being the only nominee was proposed and seconded as Honorary Treasurer for 2023/2024.

There was no nominee for the office of Honorary secretary.  It therefore remains vacant.

Election of (no more than 9) executive committee members of the Association for 2022/2023

David Rutherford, Shalin Shah, Elizabeth Thomas and Michael Somers were the only nominees. Therefore, all four were proposed and seconded as committee members for 2023/2024.

There was no other business so Mr. Kapasi thanked the meeting for their attendance and input. Thanking those present for attending and sharing their concerns the President brought the meeting to a close at 9.30pm.

Chris Philp MP, the local councillors Danielle Denton, Michael Neal and Robert Ward plus Mayor Jason Perry (at the end of the meeting)  all attend the CVRA AGM on the 25th October 2023.

Thank you all for coming to our AGM

Chris spoke first about local issues.

The Purley Pool plans were progressing nicely. A publically run leisure centre and pool was a good thing for Purley.  An initial agreement between the Council and the developers was being signed that evening.

Regarding planning, the additional scrutiny shown by the current Councillors and by Michael Neal as Chairman of the Planning Committee has consistently resulted in more suitable development and enables more family homes to be retained in the Borough. There was general agreement on this point within the meeting.

ULEZ is stopping customers coming into Croydon and Purley businesses from outside the zone. Chris has tried to persuade Mayon Kahn but he is not minded to reverse his policy.

Mayday (Croydon University Hospital), ranks in the top 10 out of 160 Hospital Trusts for elective care (ie planned care, mostly surgery) .  St Hellier is taking away some of the critical care functions to help mayday focus more on elective care.

Purley is specialising in minor elective care and diagnostics.  There is a GP hub at Purley and Chris is trying to allow a patient to go straight from the GP hub to the diagnostics unit in Purley bypassing the patients’ GPs.

There will be movement on Croydon Town Centre in 2024. Due to the downturn in retail generally there will be no grand shopping centre in Croydon. The Whitgift centre will be demolished down to its foundations and a combination of retail residential and offices will be built on the foundations.  Allders will be retained. Planning permission is planned for Autumn 2024.

There will be additional Town Centre police patrols in Croydon as the  recently recruited  constables complete their training.

Gatwick airport is planning to upgrade its taxing runway into a full 2nd runway therefore creating more business for this area. This will be welcome by the industry as it is unlikely that Heathrow will build its 3rd runway anytime soon. A planning application is expected imminently.


Regarding national issues:

As Policing Minister Chris has instructed all police forces to follow up on all information received. There shall be no screening.  This is in response to an initiative in Greater Manchester where there was a 50% increase in convictions when the policy was implemented.

The police are increasing the use of technology such as the use of MNPR vehicle cognition  cameras to detect suspicious journeys (eg county lines gangs) and facial recognition technology (for example at football matches) to detect wanted individuals.

It was suggested that if ULEZ is reversed the cameras can be repurposed to help in crime prevention. Chris suggested that if that ever happens he would credit the initiative to CVRA AGM!


At this point there were questions from the floor for Chris and Councillors

Q1: Chris was asked about the closure of Old Palace School.  He had met with the Governors and they were adamant that the decision would not be reversed.  Chris is trying to ensure the two sites are to be retained as educational establishments.

Q2: Chris was asked about the issues regarding privacy and accuracy with facial recognition cameras. The answer for the first question was that (for government!) cameras if there is no match to the police database of offenders the image is immediately deleted. In answer to the accuracy of the technology a match can only lead to a suspect it cannot be used in evidence in itself.

Q3: Regarding the cycle lane on the Brighton Road. Consultation has just finished and the results are being looked at by the Council.

Q4: Regarding the lack of bus shelters, it was recently acknowledged that the company contracted (by the previous regime) to replace the shelters was now not going to deliver and remedial action was to be taken.

Q5: Blocked drains were still a recurring problem at the bottom of Croham Manor Road. Danielle Denton said she would look into it.

Q6: Blocked drains were also causing a problem outside Croham Hurst Golf Club. It was suggested that the drain at the top of the path in the woods leading to the Hurst was not doing its job as the ground levels have lowered and the drain is no longer capturing the water running off the Hurst. Danielle Denton said she would look into it (no pun intended).

Q7: Generally it was felt that reporting on lovecleanstreets.com was effective and the Council responsive

Q8: Regarding Bins left on the pavement.  These should be reported directly to the Councillors.

Planning Review August 2024


CVRA – DR Planning Update 20th August 2024 


Croydon Planning – Changes Since the Planning Committees Controlled by the Conservatives


Since the local elections on the 5th May 2022 across the South of the Borough there have been 182 planning applications up for decision that have been submitted by developers where the proposal was for the demolition of detached properties to be replaced with up to 9 flats or a mixture of up to 9 units of both flats and houses.  Of these 182 applications 137 applications have been refused planning approval under either the Council’s Delegated Authority or at Planning Committee meetings, with another 13 applications having been withdrawn and only 32 applications being approved.


Further since the 5th May 2022 local elections across the South of the Borough there are currently 20 new planning applications submitted by developers for the demolition of detached properties across the South of the Borough which have not yet been determined with 12 applications for houses, 0 applications for a mixture of both flats and houses and only 8 applications for flats.


Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2


Following Labour’s removal from power in Croydon in May, the new Conservative administration has been delivering on their planning promises.  The hated Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2, a developers’ charter, has now been scrapped.  Planning decisions are now being properly made after careful examination, instead of simply being waved through by Labour Councillors with no proper thought.


CVRA Local Planning Application Website


As previously mentioned, the above-mentioned application is live and covers all roads and post codes in your Association’s area, it’s available for use by all CVRA residents free of charge.  The application is updated weekly with all new and currently outstanding planning application information, as well as having multiple search capability of planning history.  Also, if you want to register your email address within the application, you’ll be advised weekly when the Planning Table has been updated, together with a direct link into the application.


The application can be accessed directly from the following web link:




Planning Area A


The Croft, 3 Binfield Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing bungalow and replacing it with a pair of semi-detached houses, one a 5 bedroom the other a 3 bedroom, which was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 10th July 2020In September 2021 a Section 73 notice was submitted to change the approved plans by removing the inset balconies and amending the forecourt layout and other minor changes, this was approved on the 6th July2022.


The Croft, 3 Binfield Road

This new planning application is an alternative to the above-mentioned application which is already approved but no work has commenced and is for a full width rear extension (19.2 Metres) by 5.3 metres in depth.  The proposal has been approved on the 28th February 2023 under General Permitted Development.


15A Campden Road

This planning application is for the development of the land beside 15 Campden Road which has been vacant for a good number of years, although in March 2017 there was a planning approval granted for 5 flats which has now lapsed but did establish a presumption of development on the site.  The new proposal is also for 5 flats with 2 parking spaces and as expected this Planning Application was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 7th August 2020As a number of discharge notices have now been approved it’s expected that construction will commence shortly.


78 Coombe Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of a 3 storey building (facing Coombe Road) with a 2 storey rear element (facing Croham Park Avenue) comprising 8 flats with only 4 off road parking spaces.


Good news, the above-mentioned planning application has been refused by Development Management under their delegated authority on the 18th April 2024. 


78A Coombe Road

This new Planning Application has been submitted by Flexistay Ltd to demolish the existing house and replace it with a 3 storey Aparthotel of 12 units.  Further the recent refused planning application at the next door property at 78 Coombe Road to demolish the house and replace it with a building of 8 flats submitted by Oasis CP Projects Ltd, this company shares at least one common directorship with Flexistay Ltd.  There have been 35 local resident objections to this application with your Residents’ Association also objecting and one of our local Councillors has raised a referral.


80 Croham Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of two buildings, one of 6 flats with 3 parking bays the other for a terrace of 3 houses with 3 parking bays which by virtue of its bulk, mass and poor design will create an overbearing incompatible development.  This follows the withdrawal of an earlier application for 2 buildings comprising of a total of 9 flats.  The owner of this property has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department.  This application went before the Planning Committee on the 22nd April 2021 at which it was approved.  There’re Whitgift Educational Foundation Restrictive Covenants on this property.  Also, the site has gone up for sale with Foxtons for £2.5 million.  I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to both the owner of 80 Croham Road and Foxtons, these letters put both parties on notice of the Restrictive Covenants, also reserving the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection.  Subsequently the property was then being marketed with Appleton Estates at the reduced figure of £1.8 million and was initially under offer.  Again, a number of nearby residents have sent similar letters to those mentioned earlier.  Property listed again with Appleton Estates at a reduced figure of £1.6 million and is now under offer.  This latest offer appears to have fallen through as the site is now being listed for sale with Connect UK at a reduced guide price of £1.2 million and is now subsequently Sold STC.  The agent on behalf of Alim Properties submitted a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) on the 16th May 2022 which has been subsequently been refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority as it was not satisfactory in a number of aspects.


Melville Avenue, Old Palace of John Whitgift School

It has just been announced that the school will close permanently in August 2025 as the school has been struggling financially for many years, and the Foundation has supported the school from its general reserves in the expectation that the financial situation would improve at some point.  There will be concern over the potential development of this large site.  Recently announced that the school will now close a year earlier in July 2024.


June 2024 – The school has just written to the properties surrounding the school to advise them that the Whitgift Foundation will soon be offering the site in Melville Avenue for sale on the open market with the process is expected to last 18 months which will ultimately mean that the site will be developed.  The school further advised that once the school term ends the Whitgift Foundation will be retaining security presence on the site and have engaged vacant property experts to ensure it remains secure.


At the end of term the Old Palace School site has been put up for sale at £7.5 million, see the below link on Rightmove:




Our Chair Jeremy Gill contacted the Whitgift Foundation:


Details of call with Helen Gough, Director of Property for the Whitgift Foundation


I sent a mail to the Whitgift Foundation saying some residents wanted to have a meeting about the covenants I received a reply  from Helen Gough suggesting we had a chat.  So I called.

I said that we, the residents of the Croham Park Estate (the land sold by the Whitgift Foundation to Donald Young in  October 1905 comprising Castlemaine, Melville, Pilgrims Way and the parts of Coombe and Croham between them);

– were aware of the restrictive covenants on the land

– believed them to be still relevant as the nature of the core of the estate has not changed significantly.

– would like any purchaser to take into account our views whilst making plans for the site.

– we were happy to be relatively flexible.

Helen said the following;

– the WF had taken extensive legal advice regarding the covenant without giving any indication as to what that advice was.

– our concerns would be passed onto any potential buyers of the site and she was sure they would want to get in contact in due course.

– in fairness to remaining pupils the marketing of the site will only progress after the Summer Term finishes

– the main outcome for the WH was to maximise the benefit for the WF, this was not necessarily the same as maximising sale proceeds.

– they had not ruled out selling to another educational organisation

Helen said that the WF were logging all interaction with interested parties.  She gave an example of a call to the WF expressing concern about the retention of the stained glass windows in one of the buildings.


I propose we do nothing more for now (except to ask the Council for TPOs).  The WH knows we are concerned and are aware of the covenants. They will pass on our concerns to any purchaser.


Planning Area B


Land the Rear of Roselea Cottage, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by the owners of this house for the construction of a granny annexe in the rear garden with the main house having had considerable extensions.


This so-called granny annexe will in all probability not be for the reasons stated in the application but will be to establish further rental accommodation for students (one can only guess how many students might be in this proposed outbuilding) and the house may potentially become a HMO.  This is based upon that at least two double rooms, in the existing house were recently being advertised for rent for students, advert as follows:

“There are two double rooms available in a beautiful detached house, located in a quiet area surrounded by woods and trees. The property has one big living room, a spacious conservatory, 3 bathrooms and one modern kitchen for tenants to share. The friendly and easy-going landlord live in the extension part of the house separating from the rented space, so you can enjoy your privacy and at the same time get help from the landlord easily when it is necessary. The house has a very big garden where you can play basketball or have barbecue during your free time. It is 5-10 minutes walk to the nearest bus station and it takes you 10-15minutes to East Croydon station”.  The good news is that the application was refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority on the 6th July 2023.


Since this refusal there has been a lot of work going in the rear garden of this property with large lorries both delivering / removing waste with trees taken down, such that 5 neighbouring residents have complained, I’ve asked planning enforcement to check this out, particularly as there are tree preservation orders (TPO’s) on 7 trees in the rear garden.


Coombe Lane, Royal Russell School

This new planning application is for the demolition of existing Junior School with the erection of replacement Junior School including Multi-Use Games Area, sports pitch, play and landscaped areas, access and plant, and other associated works.  This application was approved 20th June 2024.


5 Croham Valley Road

Planning approval was granted on the 27th February 2020 at the Planning Committee meeting for the demolition of the existing house and the erection two blocks of 3 houses with accommodation in the roof spaces.  One block will front on to Croham Valley Road being 4 floors 4 bedroom houses with only 2 parking bays, the other block will front on to Ballards Farm Road being 3 floor 3 bedroom houses with 2 parking bays.  Construction of the shell of the terrace of houses fronting on to Ballards Farm Road is complete with the terrace of house fronting on to Croham Valley Road having the shell of the houses almost completed for a 3 storey building.


At the same time Sterling Rose continue to try to change the design of the 3 houses fronting Croham Valley Road from 4 floors to 3 floor houses and a changed layout and to what we consider to be a better appearance but have not been successful in obtaining approval up to now and are on their third attempt of trying to get the change approved as a non material change which of course it isn’t.


The latest supposed non material change was refused on the 17th September 2021 which will give Sterling Rose a major problem as they’ve completed construction is based upon a 3 storey building of a different design and not the 4 storey building that was approved.  This has the potential to be another 54 Arkwright Road situation – see later entry under CARA.  As a result of asking Planning Enforcement to look into this, they’ve advised that Sterling Rose will now have to submit a new planning application to try to get retrospective planning approval, which has now been submitted under a Section 73a Minor Material Amendment (Retrospective), plus they also want to remove the planning approval condition of yellow lines on this part of Croham Valley Road as they’re only permitted to have two parking spaces.  There have been 26 objections including the CVRA and a Councillor referral to this retrospective application.


Land R/O 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road – Fronting on to Ballards Rise

The above-mentioned outline planning application that’s currently pending approval, however the developer Silverleaf has also submitted another new outline planning application on the very same site for the erection of 2 two storey buildings with accommodation in the roof spaces comprising of a total of 4 large semi-detached houses with the provision of 6 parking spaces.  The alternative proposal is almost the same size as the one for 8 flats and will add 15 bedrooms and potentially 24 persons, the same objection reasons apply equally to this alternative new application.  More details as regards the Restrictive Covenants are in the prior item above.


This application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 11th August 2022 and was refused permission with three Labour Councillors voting in favour of approval and three Conservative Councillors voting against approval with the Conservative Chair using his Casting vote to refuse.  I spoke as an Objector in person at the meeting on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents, as did our ward Councillor Michael Neal.  The developer Silverleaf has on the 28th October 2022 lodged an Appeal against refusal of the planning permission, which has subsequently been validated in December 2022; this appeal will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in BristolThe Appeal is now in progress.  Unfortunately, the Appeal was allowed on the 23rd August 2023.  However, on both the land at 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road there are the Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants that restrict the land to not more than one dwellinghouse.  The validity of the  Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants and the class of neighbours entitled to benefit from it was tested in the Court Case Whitgift Homes Ltd & Ors v Pauline Stocks & Ors where similar  Restrictive Covenants was upheld which legally prevented development on the land at 14 and 16 Ruffetts Close.


Croham Valley Road – Lower Part Where There’s Been All the Construction

Numerous residents have complained about blocking of the road with all the construction workers vehicles being parked on both sides of the road – some residents want double yellow line along the whole road, other have complained to our Councillors.  Although all construction is complete there are now a good number of cars now parking on both sides of the road causing obstruction, particularly in the rush hour..


Planning Area C


11 Chapel View

This new planning application is for the erection of a very large outbuilding in the rear garden measuring 9 metres by 9 metres for use as a gym / office and has in all probability the potential to never be used for the purpose indicated on the planning application based upon the owners track record at this property of letting rooms out.  The owner of this property is currently advertising multi rooms of accommodation on Airbnb at this property; this proposed structure will in all probability be used for this very purpose.


It now seems that under this type of application residents cannot make objections with the following statement on the Councils online planning site:


This notifies the Council of proposed work or development not needing its permission. The Council will not be approving or refusing the proposal, so comments are not invited.


This is totally unacceptable; I’ve sent an email to both the case officer and the head of Development Management expressing concerns that a structure of this size doesn’t need planning approval and also the very real concerns over the future use of this outbuilding with the probably renting out of rooms.


The good news is that the Council has refused a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development on the 10th January 2024 for the following reasons:


No justification has been provided to demonstrate that the size and use of these rooms are genuinely or reasonably required for the purposes stated. It is therefore considered that the applicant has failed to demonstrate, on the balance of probability, that an outbuilding of this size and scale is reasonably required for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the existing dwellinghouse, contrary to the criteria of Paragraph E (a) of Class E, Part 1, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).


Subsequently the owner has now submitted in February 2024 another planning application under a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for a large outbuilding this time to be used supposedly as a gym albeit somewhat smaller in size being 7.55 metres by 6.5 metres.  Again I’ve sent an email to both the case officer and the head of Development Management expressing concerns that a structure of this size doesn’t need planning approval and also the very real concerns over the future use of this outbuilding with the probably renting out of this building.  The bad news is that the Council have approved this latest application on the 18th April 2024.


142 Croham Valley Road

Residents have raised an issue that the owners of this semi-detached bungalow are running an Indian take away business from a building in their rear garden which has resulted in vermin including rats.  I’ve advised the residents to contact Environmental Services which has been done, also there are bound to be Health and Safety issues.  An inspector did visit the property; however the owners said that they were no longer running the take away business from there.  Subsequently they have started cooking again on a more limited basis.  Nearby residents are keeping a close eye on this matter.


46 The Gallop

I’m advising you of yet another new planning application on this site by the same developer for the partial demolition and extensions to the existing bungalow upwards and to the side and rear to create one 3 bedroom dwelling and one 5 bedroom dwelling, effectively a pair of semi-detached houses in a two storey building with also accommodation in the roof space with one parking spaces for each house.  The developer already has obtained planning approval on this same site for a pair of semi-detached houses of one 3 Bedroom and one 2 bedroom as detailed below.  There’s concern that both proposed semi-detached houses have studies, in the 3 bedroom property it’s on the 2nd floor which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 4 bedroom property, in the 5 bedroom property the study is on the ground floor but unusually there’s a full bathroom next to this study which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 6 bedroom property.  There have been 28 objections and the CVRA has asked for this application to be referred to the Planning Committee for decision.  At the Planning Sub-Committee meeting on the 14th September 2023 the application was approved in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward5 new discharge notices have been submitted that are currently pending for the construction of this application which have subsequently been approved on the 20th December 2023.  Most of the work converting the single storey bungalow into a pair of semi-detached houses has been completed with the houses are already being marketed.  Discharge of Condition Notices 10 (electric vehicle charging points) and Condition 11 (external energy generation measures) were not approved on the 9th August 2024.


1 The Ruffetts

This new planning application is for the erection of a pair of two storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses plus accommodation in the roof space to the rear of the existing property 1 The Ruffetts.  Strangely part of the roof space has a room allocated as being a writing area but could easily be another bedroom meaning in reality it’s a pair of 4 bedroom houses.  Of further concern is that this proposed development borders directly on to the approved development in the rear garden of 55 Crest Road for a terrace of 4 houses.  There have been 46 resident objections to this application plus the CVRA and a Councillor referral.  This planning application was heard at the Planning Sub Committee on the 1st December 2022 where David Rutherford spoke as an objector on behalf of the Croham Valley Residents Association (CVRA) and the local resident objectors as did our local Councillor Robert Ward, unfortunately the Sub Committee approved the application by a vote of 3 to 2 with one abstention.  Subsequently the site with the planning approval for the pair of semi-detached houses in the rear garden plus the original host property has been put up for sale at £1050K this month.  Discharge notices were submitted on the 10th March 2023 which were refused permission.  Three amended discharge notices were submitted on the 4th July 2023 which have subsequently been approved and a further discharge notice was approved on the 20th December 2023.  Most of the work has now been completed with the houses are already being marketed.


1 The Ruffetts

There are a couple of new applications as regards the existing detached property for the demolition of existing extensions and the erection of a new single storey rear extension and the erection of a single storey side extension.  The single storey rear extension was approved on the 1st December 2023 with the single storey side extension being refused on the 24th November 2023.


29 The Ruffetts

The owner of this property continues to be a problem in that the approval obtained for the erection of a single / two storey front /side / rear extensions in December 2020, however it has not been built in accordance with the approved plans hence there has been the need for a new retrospective planning application, which many local residents are against, there have been 39 resident objections to this retrospective application, as they would like it built in accordance with the original approval.  The owner of this property has now amended the plans in the proposed retrospective planning application which is all about the owner of this property building what he wants and not what was approved and expecting to get approval after the event which is totally unacceptable and as a result of this having to go out for further comments there are now 78 objections.  The bad news is that at the Planning Sub-Committee on the 3rd August 2023 that the Committee approved the retrospective  planning application in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward.  Further the owner of this property has now started construction of a large brick built outbuilding in the rear garden without any planning approval which has been reported to Development Management in order that hopefully Planning Enforcement officer will visit the property.


Planning Other


Restrictive Covenants


The following properties have either planning approval but not yet developed or have pending planning applications that are awaiting decision or are being prepared for the submission of planning applications.  All of these properties have Restrictive Covenants that restrict the sites to either only having one dwelling either detached or semi-detached and if enforced could potentially stop the sites being developed.  However restrictive covenants are a complicated legal business and can only be enforced by properties under the Touch and Concern rule (nearby but don’t have to necessarily physically adjoin) unless it can be proved that it was a Building Scheme.  Also taking legal action to enforce covenants can be expensive plus there’s always the risk that a developer might appeal the decision which would further add to the costs.  A potential cheaper alternative is to take out an Injunction to enforce the Restrictive Covenant.  Meanwhile we’re letting affected residents write to the developers making them aware of the Restrictive Covenants, reserving the right taking further action if they’re going to proceed with the development in the hope they will walk away.  Jeremy has investigated using the legal cover one has with many household insurance policies, the indication from his insurer was positive but one would need to be certain if one was to go down this route:


  • 80 Croham Road Whitgift Educational Foundation
  • 35 Croham Valley Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
  • 37 Croham Valley Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd


Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations (CARA)

The Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations (CARA) was set up three years ago and have held a number of Zoom Meetings which has been very useful with sharing information with a number of interesting things coming out these meetings and subsequent email exchanges across the Group.


Croydon Local Plan Review

Due to be adopted in 2022, the review will update the vision and strategy for Croydon’s growth up to 2039 and set out how the council will continue to deliver much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities.

The first stage of the review was to gain feedback from the community with a period of consultation referred to as the Issues and Options consultation.  This took place between November 2019 and January 2020 and is now closed.

All representations made during the consultation period are now being reviewed and will be used by the Spatial Plan to shape the Local Plan Review Preferred Option.

The Preferred Option will be published during a second period of consultation late 2020.  At this time a summary of what we heard during the Issues and Options consultation and the subsequent decisions that have been actioned will also be published.

The Local Plan Review was to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination early in 2021 and adopted in early 2022 but there’s slippage on the dates.

However, as a result of now having a hung Council and a newly elected Conservative Democratically Elected Mayor, the local plan review will for sure be revisited.

Further information on the status of the review will be uploaded on to the Council site as the programme continues.


Croydon – Local Plan Partial Review – Call for Evidence on Local Green Spaces


Only site within our area that was under this category is The Ruffet, which many residents provided information back to the Council on why this site should have some level of protection to safeguard it from potential development.  We’re still waiting to hear if this has been successful.


Planning Review: May 2024

CVRA – DR Planning Update 1st May 2024 


Croydon Planning – Major Changes Detected


Since the local elections on the 5th May 2022 across the South of the Borough there have been 160 planning applications up for decision that have been submitted by developers where the proposal was for the demolition of detached properties to be replaced with up to 9 flats or a mixture of up to 9 units of both flats and houses.  Of these 161 applications 125 applications have been refused planning approval under either the Council’s Delegated Authority or at Planning Committee meetings, with another 12 applications having been withdrawn and only 24 applications being approved.


Further since the 5th May 2022 local elections across the South of the Borough there are currently 30 new planning applications submitted by developers for the demolition of detached properties across the South of the Borough which have not yet been determined with 18 applications for houses, 0 applications for a mixture of both flats and houses and only 12 applications for flats.


Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2


Following Labour’s removal from power in Croydon in May, the new Conservative administration has been delivering on their planning promises.  The hated Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2, a developers’ charter, has now been scrapped.  Planning decisions are now being properly made after careful examination, instead of simply being waved through by Labour Councillors with no proper thought.


CVRA Local Planning Application Website


As previously mentioned, the above-mentioned application is live and covers all roads and post codes in your Association’s area, it’s available for use by all CVRA residents free of charge.  The application is updated weekly with all new and currently outstanding planning application information, as well as having multiple search capability of planning history.  Also, if you want to register your email address within the application, you’ll be advised weekly when the Planning Table has been updated, together with a direct link into the application.


The application can be accessed directly from the following web link:




Planning Area A


The Croft, 3 Binfield Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing bungalow and replacing it with a pair of semi-detached houses, one a 5 bedroom the other a 3 bedroom, which was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 10th July 2020In September 2021 a Section 73 notice was submitted to change the approved plans by removing the inset balconies and amending the forecourt layout and other minor changes, this was approved on the 6th July2022.


The Croft, 3 Binfield Road

This new planning application is an alternative to the above-mentioned application which is already approved but no work has commenced and is for a full width rear extension (19.2 Metres) by 5.3 metres in depth.  The proposal has been approved on the 28th February 2023 under General Permitted Development.


15A Campden Road

This planning application is for the development of the land beside 15 Campden Road which has been vacant for a good number of years, although in March 2017 there was a planning approval granted for 5 flats which has now lapsed but did establish a presumption of development on the site.  The new proposal is also for 5 flats with 2 parking spaces and as expected this Planning Application was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 7th August 2020As a number of discharge notices have now been approved it’s expected that construction will commence shortly.


78 Coombe Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of a 3 storey building (facing Coombe Road) with a 2 storey rear element (facing Croham Park Avenue) comprising 8 flats with only 4 off road parking spaces.


Good news, the above-mentioned planning application has been refused by Development Management under their delegated authority on the 18th April 2024 with the following reasons given.  


Reasons for Refusal:


  1. The proposed development fails to provide a policy compliant dwelling mix on site, in conflict with the borough wide requirement for 30% three (3) bed homes as needed for families. The development conflicts with Policy H10 of the London Plan (2021) and Policy SP2.7 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018).
  2. The development, due to its scale, bulk, massing, design, appearance, and materials, as well as the quantum of hardstanding would harm the character and appearance of the site, surrounding area, and streetscene, and it would result in an overdevelopment. The development therefore conflicts with the Croydon Local Plan (2018), in particular policy DM10 as well as the London Plan (2021), in particular policy D3.
  3. The proposed development, due to insufficient floor areas for Units 2 and 8, insufficient bedroom sizes throughout the development, lack of privacy for ground floor units, and the absence of sufficient private amenity space for the proposed flats would result in sub-standard accommodation. The development therefore conflicts with Croydon Local Plan (2018) Policy DM10 and London Plan (2021) Policy D6.
  4. The proposal, due to overlooking of 10m of the garden space of No. 78a Coombe Road and No. 54 Croham Park Avenue, would result in an unacceptable amenity relationship and this would be contrary to Croydon Local Plan (2018), in particular policy DM10.6(c).
  5. The proposal, due to the unacceptable vehicle access and movements and parking arrangements proposed, and an absence of pedestrian routes throughout the site, would result in unsafe impacts on the highway, pedestrians and other road users. Additionally, the cycle storage is
    unacceptable as it would not be enclosed and secure. The development is contrary to Policies DM29 and DM30 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and Policies T4, T5, and T6 of the London Plan (2021).
  6. In the absence of a legal agreement to secure financial contributions to improvements for sustainable transport to mitigate the impacts of the development and highways works to provide appropriate access, the development is contrary to policies SP8.3, SP8.15, SP8.16, and DM30 of the
    Croydon Local Plan (2018) and Policy T6.1 of the London Plan (2021).
  7. Sufficient measures have not been taken to identify and mitigate the impact of the proposal on bats and there is a lack of information relating the presence of roosting bats, contrary to Policy G6 of the London Plan (2021) and DM10, DM27 and DM28 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018).


80 Croham Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of two buildings, one of 6 flats with 3 parking bays the other for a terrace of 3 houses with 3 parking bays which by virtue of its bulk, mass and poor design will create an overbearing incompatible development.  This follows the withdrawal of an earlier application for 2 buildings comprising of a total of 9 flats.  The owner of this property has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department.  This application went before the Planning Committee on the 22nd April 2021 at which it was approved.  There’re Whitgift Educational Foundation Restrictive Covenants on this property.  Also, the site has gone up for sale with Foxtons for £2.5 million.  I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to both the owner of 80 Croham Road and Foxtons, these letters put both parties on notice of the Restrictive Covenants, also reserving the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection.  Subsequently the property was then being marketed with Appleton Estates at the reduced figure of £1.8 million and was initially under offer.  Again, a number of nearby residents have sent similar letters to those mentioned earlier.  Property listed again with Appleton Estates at a reduced figure of £1.6 million and is now under offer.  This latest offer appears to have fallen through as the site is now being listed for sale with Connect UK at a reduced guide price of £1.2 million and is now subsequently Sold STC.  The agent on behalf of Alim Properties submitted a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) on the 16th May 2022 which has been subsequently been refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority as it was not satisfactory in a number of aspects.


Melville Avenue, Old Palace of John Whitgift School

It has just been announced that the school will close permanently in August 2025 as the school has been struggling financially for many years, and the Foundation has supported the school from its general reserves in the expectation that the financial situation would improve at some point.  There will be concern over the potential development of this large site.  Recently announced that the school will now close a year earlier in July 2024.


Planning Area B


Land the Rear of Roselea Cottage, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by the owners of this house for the construction of a granny annexe in the rear garden with the main house having had considerable extensions.


This so-called granny annexe will in all probability not be for the reasons stated in the application but will be to establish further rental accommodation for students (one can only guess how many students might be in this proposed outbuilding) and the house may potentially become a HMO.  This is based upon that at least two double rooms, in the existing house were recently being advertised for rent for students, advert as follows:

“There are two double rooms available in a beautiful detached house, located in a quiet area surrounded by woods and trees. The property has one big living room, a spacious conservatory, 3 bathrooms and one modern kitchen for tenants to share. The friendly and easy-going landlord live in the extension part of the house separating from the rented space, so you can enjoy your privacy and at the same time get help from the landlord easily when it is necessary. The house has a very big garden where you can play basketball or have barbecue during your free time. It is 5-10 minutes walk to the nearest bus station and it takes you 10-15minutes to East Croydon station”.  The good news is that the application was refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority on the 6th July 2023.


Since this refusal there has been a lot of work going in the rear garden of this property with large lorries both delivering / removing waste with trees taken down, such that 5 neighbouring residents have complained, I’ve asked planning enforcement to check this out, particularly as there are tree preservation orders (TPO’s) on 7 trees in the rear garden.


Land the Rear of Underwood, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is back garden development for the erection of a terrace of 3 three storey 4 bedroom houses with 4 off road parking spaces.  There will be the loss of 11 mature trees to enable this development to take place.  There have been 55 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  Like with 14, 16 & 18 Castlemaine Avenue application this developer has lodged an Appeal on the 16th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  The Appeal is now in progress.  Good news the Appeal has been dismissed on the 12th December 2023 by the Planning Inspectorate.


Underwood, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is in addition to the afore-mentioned development on the Underwood site.  This is for the erection of a single storey side and rear extension, two storey front extension and then conversion into 4 flats with 4 off road parking spaces.  There have been 46 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  Like with the afore-mentioned application the developer has lodged an Appeal on the 16th January 2023 on the basis of non-determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  The Appeal is now in progress.  Good news the Appeal has been dismissed on the 12th December 2023 by the Planning Inspectorate.


Land the Rear of Underwood, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is in addition to the two afore-mentioned planning applications that are currently pending.  This latest application is a back garden development for the Erection of a Terrace of 3 Three Storey 4 Bedroom Houses and an adjoining building of four storeys with 6 two bedroom flats with an overall total of 9 parking spaces.  The earlier pending back garden development on this site had a loss of 11 mature trees, as this latest proposal is much larger the loss of mature trees will be even greater.  To date there have been 34 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  Like the two other applications on the same site, the developer has lodged an Appeal on the 12th January 2023 on the basis of non-determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  The Appeal is now in progress.  Good news the Appeal has been dismissed on the 12th December 2023 by the Planning Inspectorate.


Coombe Lane, Royal Russell School

This new planning application is for the demolition of existing Junior School with the erection of replacement Junior School including Multi-Use Games Area, sports pitch, play and landscaped areas, access and plant, and other associated works.


This proposed development has again raised the issue of the rear gate from the school in Hollingsworth Road, particularly as both the pre application and the resultant full planning application misrepresent the fact that there’s an access route into this road.  The situation is that school numbers will increase where at both around 8am and 4pm daily during school days parents are charging up the road causing total gridlock with around 50 additional cars in this cul-de-sac with parents competing for space nearest the gate, blocking resident’s driveways etc.  There are very serious safety concerns that this is a bad accident waiting to happen, as there was a recent situation of a pupil running out of the gate and into the side of a moving car and not to mention the number of prangs to resident’s cars due to the inconsiderate behavior of parents dropping off and picking up their children and having to turn around.  Residents would either like the gate totally closed off or some form of strong restriction on the road that would prevent parent’s cars entering Hollingsworth Road.


Land the Rear of 128 Coombe Lane

This new planning application has been submitted by the owner of 128 Coombe Lane which is back garden development for the erection of a pair of 2 storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses with 3 off road parking spaces; demolition of existing garage to provide access to the rear.  A number of local residents are objecting plus your Residents Association.  To date there have been 18 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  The good news is that the Planning Dept has under its delegated authority refused the application on the 9th February 2023.  An appeal has been lodged against the refusal decision on the 26th June 2023 which will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.  The good news is that the Appeal was dismissed on the 7th November 2023.


Land R/O 55 Crest Road Fronting on to Croham Valley Road

This planning application was submitted by the developer Red Banksia is for the erection of a terrace of 4 two storey 3 bedroom houses with accommodation in the roof space in the rear garden of this property fronting on to Croham Valley Road.  This is a massive overdevelopment of the site which will add 12 bedrooms and potentially 20 persons without providing any off road parking.  Prior to this latest application going before the Committee for decision the owners of 55 Crest Road sold the bottom part of their back garden to Blue Banksia Ltd.  The application received 196 objections including 3 objections from the owners of 55 Crest Road, as that it was assumed by the owners of 55 Crest Road that when they sold part of their rear garden to Blue Banksia Ltd that they would just build the approved 4 bedroom detached house, however the developer obviously had other plans for the site.  This planning application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 21st October 2021 where it was approved by a vote of 3 to 2.  This is also another property where there are Walton Heath Land Company Ltd Restrictive Covenants where I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to Blue Banksia Ltd.  These letters advise Blue Banksia Ltd of the Restrictive Covenants and reference to prior court case Whitgift Homes & Ors vs Pauline Stocks & Ors where almost identical Walton Heath Land Company Ltd Restrictive Covenants where upheld by the court even upon appeal which prevented development in Ruffetts Close, also the letters reserve the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection and further advise  should they decide to on sell this plot of land with the planning approval, that they are under notice from us that all potential buyers must be advised by them or anyone acting on their behalf of the Restrictive Covenants and the Court Case upholding the Restrictive Covenants.  A number of the nearby residents that wrote to the developer have just heard from the developers Solicitors asking some questions which I’ve drafted the appropriate reply for the residents to send.  The developer has submitted 6 discharge notices on the 23rd May 2022 which has only been partly approved with the remainder not being approved.  Clearly the developer has ignored the threat of action over the Restrictive Covenants.  The Developer has started construction on the site which shouldn’t have happened, as they don’t have an approved Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) to permit construction.  I’ve reported the issue of construction to the head of Development Management for action.  The developer has submitted 5 new discharge notices which are currently pending, presumably to regularize the situation of the discharge notices, however these are part approved / part not approved.  This developer has now built the houses without ever having the appropriate approved discharge notices in place, in spite of this issue being reported to the head of the Planning DeptThe developer has submitted 3 discharge notices on the 29th March 2023 which have subsequently been refused approval on the 12th May 2023.  All discharge notices have now been approved 9th November 2023.


5 Croham Valley Road

Planning approval was granted on the 27th February 2020 at the Planning Committee meeting for the demolition of the existing house and the erection two blocks of 3 houses with accommodation in the roof spaces.  One block will front on to Croham Valley Road being 4 floors 4 bedroom houses with only 2 parking bays, the other block will front on to Ballards Farm Road being 3 floor 3 bedroom houses with 2 parking bays.  Construction of the shell of the terrace of houses fronting on to Ballards Farm Road is complete with the terrace of house fronting on to Croham Valley Road having the shell of the houses almost completed for a 3 storey building.


At the same time Sterling Rose continue to try to change the design of the 3 houses fronting Croham Valley Road from 4 floors to 3 floor houses and a changed layout and to what we consider to be a better appearance but have not been successful in obtaining approval up to now and are on their third attempt of trying to get the change approved as a non material change which of course it isn’t.


The latest supposed non material change was refused on the 17th September 2021 which will give Sterling Rose a major problem as they’ve completed construction is based upon a 3 storey building of a different design and not the 4 storey building that was approved.  This has the potential to be another 54 Arkwright Road situation – see later entry under CARA.  As a result of asking Planning Enforcement to look into this, they’ve advised that Sterling Rose will now have to submit a new planning application to try to get retrospective planning approval, which has now been submitted under a Section 73a Minor Material Amendment (Retrospective), plus they also want to remove the planning approval condition of yellow lines on this part of Croham Valley Road as they’re only permitted to have two parking spaces.  There have been 26 objections including the CVRA and a Councillor referral to this retrospective application.


Land R/O 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road – Fronting on to Ballards Rise

The above-mentioned outline planning application that’s currently pending approval, however the developer Silverleaf has also submitted another new outline planning application on the very same site for the erection of 2 two storey buildings with accommodation in the roof spaces comprising of a total of 4 large semi-detached houses with the provision of 6 parking spaces.  The alternative proposal is almost the same size as the one for 8 flats and will add 15 bedrooms and potentially 24 persons, the same objection reasons apply equally to this alternative new application.  More details as regards the Restrictive Covenants are in the prior item above.


This application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 11th August 2022 and was refused permission with three Labour Councillors voting in favour of approval and three Conservative Councillors voting against approval with the Conservative Chair using his Casting vote to refuse.  I spoke as an Objector in person at the meeting on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents, as did our ward Councillor Michael Neal.  The developer Silverleaf has on the 28th October 2022 lodged an Appeal against refusal of the planning permission, which has subsequently been validated in December 2022; this appeal will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in BristolThe Appeal is now in progress.  Unfortunately, the Appeal was allowed on the 23rd August 2023.  However, on both the land at 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road there are the Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants that restrict the land to not more than one dwellinghouse.  The validity of the  Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants and the class of neighbours entitled to benefit from it was tested in the Court Case Whitgift Homes Ltd & Ors v Pauline Stocks & Ors where similar  Restrictive Covenants was upheld which legally prevented development on the land at 14 and 16 Ruffetts Close.


Croham Valley Road – Lower Part Where There’s Been All the Construction

Numerous residents have complained about blocking of the road with all the construction workers vehicles being parked on both sides of the road – some residents want double yellow line along the whole road, other have complained to our Councillors.  Although all construction is complete there are now a good number of cars now parking on both sides of the road causing limited obstruction.


Planning Area C


155 Ballards Way

Whilst the above-mentioned Appeal is pending the developer has submitted a new alternative planning application which is for alterations / extensions to the existing property and then the subdivision of the property into 2 three bedroom houses.  The affected next door neighbour is neutral with regard to this latest proposal and as such the CVRA has not objected.  Subsequently the application was approved on the 2nd February 2022 under the Planning Departments delegated authority.  Work has commenced on the site for the alterations and extensions to the existing property and then conversion into 2 three bedroom houses.  Work is now complete with the two properties up for sale.


11 Chapel View

This new planning application is for the erection of a very large outbuilding in the rear garden measuring 9 metres by 9 metres for use as a gym / office and has in all probability the potential to never be used for the purpose indicated on the planning application based upon the owners track record at this property of letting rooms out.  The owner of this property is currently advertising multi rooms of accommodation on Airbnb at this property; this proposed structure will in all probability be used for this very purpose.


It now seems that under this type of application residents cannot make objections with the following statement on the Councils online planning site:


This notifies the Council of proposed work or development not needing its permission. The Council will not be approving or refusing the proposal, so comments are not invited.


This is totally unacceptable; I’ve sent an email to both the case officer and the head of Development Management expressing concerns that a structure of this size doesn’t need planning approval and also the very real concerns over the future use of this outbuilding with the probably renting out of rooms.


The good news is that the Council has refused a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development on the 10th January 2024 for the following reasons:


No justification has been provided to demonstrate that the size and use of these rooms are genuinely or reasonably required for the purposes stated. It is therefore considered that the applicant has failed to demonstrate, on the balance of probability, that an outbuilding of this size and scale is reasonably required for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the existing dwellinghouse, contrary to the criteria of Paragraph E (a) of Class E, Part 1, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).


Subsequently the owner has now submitted in February 2024 another planning application under a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for a large outbuilding this time to be used supposedly as a gym albeit somewhat smaller in size being 7.55 metres by 6.5 metres.  Again I’ve sent an email to both the case officer and the head of Development Management expressing concerns that a structure of this size doesn’t need planning approval and also the very real concerns over the future use of this outbuilding with the probably renting out of this building.  The bad news is that the Council have approved this latest application on the 18th April 2024.


142 Croham Valley Road

Residents have raised an issue that the owners of this semi-detached bungalow are running an Indian take away business from a building in their rear garden which has resulted in vermin including rats.  I’ve advised the residents to contact Environmental Services which has been done, also there are bound to be Health and Safety issues.  An inspector did visit the property; however the owners said that they were no longer running the take away business from there.  Subsequently they have started cooking again on a more limited basis.  Nearby residents are keeping a close eye on this matter.


6-8 The Gallop

This new planning application from Macar Developments is for the demolition of 2 small detached bungalows and the erection of 4 two storey 4 bedroom semi-detached houses with accommodation in the room spaces and a terrace of 5 two storey 3 bedroom houses.  This is a massive overdevelopment of the site that will add 31 bedrooms and potentially 44 persons.  Even before the application had been submitted 8 The Gallop had been cleared of trees including specialist trees of 2 silver birches and a pine tree that should have been saved.    The developer has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department, however the Planning Department has not yet replied to the developer.  The CVRA has already lodged an objection and Cllr Helen Pollard has raised a Councillor referral.  This application went before the Planning Committee on 13th January 2022 where David Rutherford spoke on behalf of the CVRA and the 306 local resident objectors as did our local Cllr Robert Ward and all 4 of the Conservative Councillors on the committee spoke against and voted against the application.  When it came to the vote it was tied at 4 in favour 4 against including the Chair, however the Chair used his additional casting vote to approve the application.  Some residents are considering going through the Council’s complaints process which has 3 separate stages, after which if there’s no satisfaction you can then go formally to the Local Government Ombudsman with a complaint.  The developer has on the 8th April 2022 submitted details of their Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) which has subsequently been approved.  Also a number of further discharge notices have been submitted 26th May 2022 which have subsequently been approved on the 24th August 2022A further discharge notice was submitted in August 2022 which has subsequently been approved on the 20th October 2022.  Further discharge notices were submitted 6th March 2023 which have been subsequently approved on the 20th June 2023.


46 The Gallop

I’m advising you of yet another new planning application on this site by the same developer for the partial demolition and extensions to the existing bungalow upwards and to the side and rear to create one 3 bedroom dwelling and one 5 bedroom dwelling, effectively a pair of semi-detached houses in a two storey building with also accommodation in the roof space with one parking spaces for each house.  The developer already has obtained planning approval on this same site for a pair of semi-detached houses of one 3 Bedroom and one 2 bedroom as detailed below.  There’s concern that both proposed semi-detached houses have studies, in the 3 bedroom property it’s on the 2nd floor which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 4 bedroom property, in the 5 bedroom property the study is on the ground floor but unusually there’s a full bathroom next to this study which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 6 bedroom property.  There have been 28 objections and the CVRA has asked for this application to be referred to the Planning Committee for decision.  At the Planning Sub-Committee meeting on the 14th September 2023 the application was approved in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward5 new discharge notices have been submitted that are currently pending for the construction of this application which have subsequently been approved on the 20th December 2023.


1 The Ruffetts

This new planning application is for the erection of a pair of two storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses plus accommodation in the roof space to the rear of the existing property 1 The Ruffetts.  Strangely part of the roof space has a room allocated as being a writing area but could easily be another bedroom meaning in reality it’s a pair of 4 bedroom houses.  Of further concern is that this proposed development borders directly on to the approved development in the rear garden of 55 Crest Road for a terrace of 4 houses.  There have been 46 resident objections to this application plus the CVRA and a Councillor referral.  This planning application was heard at the Planning Sub Committee on the 1st December 2022 where David Rutherford spoke as an objector on behalf of the Croham Valley Residents Association (CVRA) and the local resident objectors as did our local Councillor Robert Ward, unfortunately the Sub Committee approved the application by a vote of 3 to 2 with one abstention.  Subsequently the site with the planning approval for the pair of semi-detached houses in the rear garden plus the original host property has been put up for sale at £1050K this month.  Discharge notices were submitted on the 10th March 2023 which were refused permission.  Three amended discharge notices were submitted on the 4th July 2023 which have subsequently been approved and a further discharge notice was approved on the 20th December 2023.


1 The Ruffetts

There are a couple of new applications as regards the existing detached property for the demolition of existing extensions and the erection of a new single storey rear extension and the erection of a single storey side extension.  The single storey rear extension was approved on the 1st December 2023 with the single storey side extension being refused on the 24th November 2023.


29 The Ruffetts

The owner of this property continues to be a problem in that the approval obtained for the erection of a single / two storey front /side / rear extensions in December 2020, however it has not been built in accordance with the approved plans hence there has been the need for a new retrospective planning application, which many local residents are against, there have been 39 resident objections to this retrospective application, as they would like it built in accordance with the original approval.  The owner of this property has now amended the plans in the proposed retrospective planning application which is all about the owner of this property building what he wants and not what was approved and expecting to get approval after the event which is totally unacceptable and as a result of this having to go out for further comments there are now 78 objections.  The bad news is that at the Planning Sub-Committee on the 3rd August 2023 that the Committee approved the retrospective  planning application in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward.  Further the owner of this property has now started construction of a large brick built outbuilding in the rear garden without any planning approval which has been reported to Development Management in order that hopefully Planning Enforcement officer will visit the property.


Planning Other


Restrictive Covenants


The following properties have either planning approval but not yet developed or have pending planning applications that are awaiting decision or are being prepared for the submission of planning applications.  All of these properties have Restrictive Covenants that restrict the sites to either only having one dwelling either detached or semi-detached and if enforced could potentially stop the sites being developed.  However restrictive covenants are a complicated legal business and can only be enforced by properties under the Touch and Concern rule (nearby but don’t have to necessarily physically adjoin) unless it can be proved that it was a Building Scheme.  Also taking legal action to enforce covenants can be expensive plus there’s always the risk that a developer might appeal the decision which would further add to the costs.  A potential cheaper alternative is to take out an Injunction to enforce the Restrictive Covenant.  Meanwhile we’re letting affected residents write to the developers making them aware of the Restrictive Covenants, reserving the right taking further action if they’re going to proceed with the development in the hope they will walk away.  Jeremy has investigated using the legal cover one has with many household insurance policies, the indication from his insurer was positive but one would need to be certain if one was to go down this route:


  • 55 Crest Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
  • 80 Croham Road Whitgift Educational Foundation
  • 35 Croham Valley Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
  • 37 Croham Valley Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd


Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations (CARA)

The Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations (CARA) was set up three years ago and have held a number of Zoom Meetings which has been very useful with sharing information with a number of interesting things coming out these meetings and subsequent email exchanges across the Group.


Croydon Local Plan Review

Due to be adopted in 2022, the review will update the vision and strategy for Croydon’s growth up to 2039 and set out how the council will continue to deliver much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities.

The first stage of the review was to gain feedback from the community with a period of consultation referred to as the Issues and Options consultation.  This took place between November 2019 and January 2020 and is now closed.

All representations made during the consultation period are now being reviewed and will be used by the Spatial Plan to shape the Local Plan Review Preferred Option.

The Preferred Option will be published during a second period of consultation late 2020.  At this time a summary of what we heard during the Issues and Options consultation and the subsequent decisions that have been actioned will also be published.

The Local Plan Review was to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination early in 2021 and adopted in early 2022 but there’s slippage on the dates.

However, as a result of now having a hung Council and a newly elected Conservative Democratically Elected Mayor, the local plan review will for sure be revisited.

Further information on the status of the review will be uploaded on to the Council site as the programme continues.

Croydon – Local Plan Partial Review – Call for Evidence on Local Green Spaces


Only site within our area that was under this category is The Ruffet, which many residents provided information back to the Council on why this site should have some level of protection to safeguard it from potential development.  We’re still waiting to hear if this has been successful.


Planning Review: December 2023

CVRA – DR Planning Update 29th November 2023


Croydon Planning – Major Changes Detected


Since the local elections on the 5th May 2022 across the South of the Borough there have been 150 planning applications up for decision that have been submitted by developers where the proposal was for the demolition of detached properties to be replaced with up to 9 flats or a mixture of up to 9 units of both flats and houses.  Of these 150 applications 118 applications have been refused planning approval under either the Council’s Delegated Authority or at Planning Committee meetings, with another 11 applications having been withdrawn and only 21 applications being approved.


Further since the 5th May 2022 local elections across the South of the Borough there are currently 23 new planning applications submitted by developers for the demolition of detached properties across the South of the Borough which have not yet been determined with 14 applications for houses, 1 applications for a mixture of both flats and houses and only 8 applications for flats.


Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2


Following Labour’s removal from power in Croydon in May, the new Conservative administration has been delivering on their planning promises.  The hated Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2, a developers’ charter, has now been scrapped.  Planning decisions are now being properly made after careful examination, instead of simply being waved through by Labour Councillors with no proper thought.


CVRA Local Planning Application Website


As previously mentioned the above-mentioned application is live and covers all roads and post codes in your Association’s area, it’s available for use by all CVRA residents free of charge.  The application is updated weekly with all new and currently outstanding planning application information, as well as having multiple search capability of planning history.  Also if you want to register your email address within the application, you’ll be advised weekly when the Planning Table has been updated, together with a direct link into the application.


The application can be accessed directly from the following web link:




Planning Area A


The Croft, 3 Binfield Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing bungalow and replacing it with a pair of semi detached houses, one a 5 bedroom the other a 3 bedroom, which was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 10th July 2020In September 2021 a Section 73 notice was submitted to change the approved plans by removing the inset balconies and amending the forecourt layout and other minor changes, this was approved on the 6th July2022.


The Croft, 3 Binfield Road

This new planning application is an alternative to the above-mentioned application which is already approved but no work has commenced and is for a full width rear extension (19.2 Metres) by 5.3 metres in depth.  The proposal has been approved on the 28th February 2023 under General Permitted Development.


15A Campden Road

This planning application is for the development of the land beside 15 Campden Road which has been vacant for a good number of years, although in March 2017 there was a planning approval granted for 5 flats which has now lapsed but did established a presumption of development on the site.  The new proposal is also for 5 flats with 2 parking spaces and as expected this Planning Application was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 7th August 2020As a number of discharge notices have now been approved it’s expected that construction will commence shortly.


Land R/O 14, 16, & 18 Castlemaine Avenue

This new planning application is for the demolition of the existing garage and swimming pool adjacent to 18 Castlemaine Avenue and formation of vehicular access to rear, and erection of two pairs of semi-detached, 3-bed houses, together with associated access, parking, amenity space and landscaping on the land to the rear of 14 to 18 Castlemaine Avenue.  This is back garden development that borders on to properties in both Castlemaine Avenue and Melville Avenue which will add 12 bedrooms and potentially 20 persons.  There has never been any previous back garden development in Castlemaine Avenue; this proposal is total out of character with the area.  Also these properties and the related land have Whitgift Educational Foundation restrictive covenants.  Currently there have been 31 resident objections to this application plus the CVRA and a Councillor referralSubsequently the developer has lodged an Appeal on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  Croydon Council has on the 25th November 2022 Contested the Appeal on a number of grounds which would be the basis for refusing the application and will hopefully lead to a Dismissal of the Appeal by the Planning Inspectorate.  The Appeal is now in progress.  Good news the Appeal was    dismissed 9th August 2023.


80 Croham Road

This planning application is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of two buildings, one of 6 flats with 3 parking bays the other for a terrace of 3 houses with 3 parking bays which by virtue of its bulk, mass and poor design will create an overbearing incompatible development.  This follows the withdrawal of an earlier application for 2 buildings comprising of a total of 9 flats.  The owner of this property has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department.  This application went before the Planning Committee on the 22nd April 2021 at which it was approved.  There’re Whitgift Educational Foundation Restrictive Covenants on this property.  Also the site has gone up for sale with Foxtons for £2.5 million.  I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to both the owner of 80 Croham Road and Foxtons, these letters put both parties on notice of the Restrictive Covenants, also reserving the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection.  Subsequently the property was then being marketed with Appleton Estates at the reduced figure of £1.8 million and was initially under offer.  Again a number of nearby residents have sent similar letters to those mentioned earlier.  Property listed again with Appleton Estates at a reduced figure of £1.6 million and is now under offer.  This latest offer appears to have fallen through as the site is now being listed for sale with Connect UK at a reduced guide price of £1.2 million and is now subsequently Sold STC.  The agent on behalf of Alim Properties submitted a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) on the 16th May 2022 which has been subsequently been refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority as it was not satisfactory in a number of aspects.


Melville Avenue, Old Palace of John Whitgift School

It has just been announced that the school will close permanently in August 2025 as the school has been struggling financially for many years, and the Foundation has supported the school from its general reserves in the expectation that the financial situation would improve at some point.  There will be concern over the potential development of this large site.


Planning Area B


Land the Rear of Roselea Cottage, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by the owners of this house for the construction of a granny annexe in the rear garden with the main house having had considerable extensions.


This so called granny annexe will in all probability not be for the reasons stated in the application but will be to establish further rental accommodation for students (one can only guess how many students might be in this proposed outbuilding) and the house may potentially become a HMO.  This is based upon that at least two double rooms, in the existing house were recently being advertised for rent for students, advert as follows:

“There are two double rooms available in a beautiful detached house, located in a quiet area surrounded by woods and trees. The property has one big living room, a spacious conservatory, 3 bathrooms and one modern kitchen for tenants to share. The friendly and easy-going landlord live in the extension part of the house separating from the rented space, so you can enjoy your privacy and at the same time get help from the landlord easily when it is necessary. The house has a very big garden where you can play basketball or have barbecue during your free time. It is 5-10 minutes walk to the nearest bus station and it takes you 10-15minutes to East Croydon station”.  The good news is that the application was refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority on the 6th July 2023.


Since this refusal there has been a lot of work going in the rear garden of this property with large lorries both delivering / removing waste with trees taken down, such that 5 neighbouring residents have complained, I’ve asked planning enforcement to check this out, particularly as there are tree preservation orders (TPO’s) on 7 trees in the rear garden.


Land the Rear of Underwood, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is back garden development for the erection of a terrace of 3 three storey 4 bedroom houses with 4 off road parking spaces.  There will be the loss of 11 mature trees to enable this development to take place.  There have been 55 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  Like with 14, 16 & 18 Castlemaine Avenue application this developer has lodged an Appeal on the 16th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  The Appeal is now in progress.


Underwood, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is in addition to the afore-mentioned development on the Underwood site.  This is for the erection of a single storey side and rear extension, two storey front extension and then conversion into 4 flats with 4 off road parking spaces.  There have been 46 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  Like with the afore-mentioned application the developer has lodged an Appeal on the 16th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  The Appeal is now in progress.


Land the Rear of Underwood, Ballards Farm Road

This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is in addition to the two afore-mentioned planning applications that are currently pending.  This latest application is a back garden development for the Erection of a Terrace of 3 Three Storey 4 Bedroom Houses and an adjoining building of four storeys with 6 two bedroom flats with an overall total of 9 parking spaces.  The earlier pending back garden development on this site had a loss of 11 mature trees, as this latest proposal is much larger the loss of mature trees will be even greater.  To date there have been 34 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  Like the two other applications on the same site, the developer has lodged an Appeal on the 12th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed.  This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021.  This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting.  The Appeal is now in progress.


Coombe Lane, Royal Russell School

This new planning application is for the demolition of existing Junior School with the erection of replacement Junior School including Multi-Use Games Area, sports pitch, play and landscaped areas, access and plant, and other associated works.


This proposed development has again raised the issue of the rear gate from the school in Hollingsworth Road, particularly as both the pre application and the resultant full planning application misrepresent the fact that there’s an access route into this road.  The situation is that school numbers will increase where at both around 8am and 4pm daily during school days parents are charging up the road causing total gridlock with around 50 additional cars in this cul-de-sac with parents competing for space nearest the gate, blocking residents driveways etc.  There are very serious safety concerns that this is a bad accident waiting to happen, as there was a recent situation of a pupil running out of the gate and into the side of a moving car and not to mention the number of prangs to residents cars due to the inconsiderate behavior of parents dropping off and picking up their children and having to turn around.  Residents would either like the gate totally closed off or some form of strong restriction on the road that would prevent parent’s cars entering Hollingsworth Road.


Land the Rear of 128 Coombe Lane

This new planning application has been submitted by the owner of 128 Coombe Lane which is back garden development for the erection of a pair of 2 storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses with 3 off road parking spaces; demolition of existing garage to provide access to the rear.  A number of local residents are objecting plus your Residents Association.  To date there have been 18 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral.  The good news is that the Planning Dept has under its delegated authority refused the application on the 9th February 2023.  An appeal has been lodged against the refusal decision on the 26th June 2023 which will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.  The good news is that the Appeal was dismissed on the 7th November 2023


Land R/O 55 Crest Road Fronting on to Croham Valley Road

This planning application was submitted by the developer Red Banksia is for the erection of a terrace of 4 two storey 3 bedroom houses with accommodation in the roof space in the rear garden of this property fronting on to Croham Valley Road.  This is a massive overdevelopment of the site which will add 12 bedrooms and potentially 20 persons without providing any off road parking.  Prior to this latest application going before the Committee for decision the owners of 55 Crest Road sold the bottom part of their back garden to Blue Banksia Ltd.  The application received 196 objections including 3 objections from the owners of 55 Crest Road, as that it was assumed by the owners of 55 Crest Road that when they sold part of their rear garden to Blue Banksia Ltd that they would just build the approved 4 bedroom detached house, however the developer obviously had other plans for the site.  This planning application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 21st October 2021 where it was approved by a vote of 3 to 2.  This is also another property where there are Walton Heath Land Company Ltd Restrictive Covenants where I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to Blue Banksia Ltd.  These letters advise Blue Banksia Ltd of the Restrictive Covenants and reference to prior court case Whitgift Homes & Ors vs Pauline Stocks & Ors where almost identical Walton Heath Land Company Ltd Restrictive Covenants where upheld by the court even upon appeal which prevented development in Ruffetts Close, also the letters reserve the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection and further advise  should they decide to on sell this plot of land with the planning approval, that they are under notice from us that all potential buyers must be advised by them or anyone acting on their behalf of the Restrictive Covenants and the Court Case upholding the Restrictive Covenants.  A number of the nearby residents that wrote to the developer have just heard from the developers Solicitors asking some questions which I’ve drafted the appropriate reply for the residents to send.  The developer has submitted 6 discharge notices on the 23rd May 2022 which has only been partly approved with the remainder not being approved.  Clearly the developer has ignored the threat of action over the Restrictive Covenants.  The Developer has started construction on the site which shouldn’t have happened, as they don’t have an approved Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) to permit construction.  I’ve reported the issue of construction to the head of Development Management for action.  The developer has submitted 5 new discharge notices which are currently pending, presumably to regularize the situation of the discharge notices, however these are part approved / part not approved.  This developer has now built the houses without ever having the appropriate approved discharge notices in place, in spite of this issue being reported to the head of the Planning DeptThe developer has submitted 3 discharge notices on the 29th March 2023 which have subsequently been refused approval on the 12th May 2023.  All discharge notices have now been approved.


Land R/O 4 Croham Valley Road

Advised by the Croham Hurst Golf Club that the previously mentioned proposed development of the  land at the rear of 4 Croham Valley Road plus the intention of selling the house at 4 CVR sometime later is no longer going to take place.


5 Croham Valley Road

Planning approval was granted on the 27th February 2020 at the Planning Committee meeting for the demolition of the existing house and the erection two blocks of 3 houses with accommodation in the roof spaces.  One block will front on to Croham Valley Road being 4 floors 4 bedroom houses with only 2 parking bays, the other block will front on to Ballards Farm Road being 3 floor 3 bedroom houses with 2 parking bays.  Construction of the shell of the terrace of houses fronting on to Ballards Farm Road is complete with the terrace of house fronting on to Croham Valley Road having the shell of the houses almost completed for a 3 storey building.


At the same time Sterling Rose continue to try to change the design of the 3 houses fronting Croham Valley Road from 4 floors to 3 floor houses and a changed layout and to what we consider to be a better appearance but have not been successful in obtaining approval up to now and are on their third attempt of trying to get the change approved as a non material change which of course it isn’t.


The latest supposed non material change was refused on the 17th September 2021 which will give Sterling Rose a major problem as they’ve completed construction is based upon a 3 storey building of a different design and not the 4 storey building that was approved.  This has the potential to be another 54 Arkwright Road situation – see later entry under CARA.  As a result of asking Planning Enforcement to look into this, they’ve advised that Sterling Rose will now have to submit a new planning application to try to get retrospective planning approval, which has now been submitted under a Section 73a Minor Material Amendment (Retrospective), plus they also want to remove the planning approval condition of yellow lines on this part of Croham Valley Road as they’re only permitted to have two parking spaces.  There have been 26 objections including the CVRA and a Councillor referral to this retrospective application.


Land R/O 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road – Fronting on to Ballards Rise

The above-mentioned outline planning application that’s currently pending approval, however the developer Silverleaf has also submitted another new outline planning application on the very same site for the erection of 2 two storey buildings with accommodation in the roof spaces comprising of a total of 4 large semi-detached houses with the provision of 6 parking spaces.  The alternative proposal is almost the same size as the one for 8 flats and will add 15 bedrooms and potentially 24 persons, the same objection reasons apply equally to this alternative new application.  More details as regards the Restrictive Covenants are in the prior item above.


This application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 11th August 2022 and was refused permission with three Labour Councillors voting in favour of approval and three Conservative Councillors voting against approval with the Conservative Chair using his Casting vote to refuse.  I spoke as an Objector in person at the meeting on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents, as did our ward Councillor Michael Neal.  The developer Silverleaf has on the 28th October 2022 lodged an Appeal against refusal of the planning permission, which has subsequently been validated in December 2022; this appeal will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in BristolThe Appeal is now in progress.  Unfortunately the Appeal was allowed on the 23rd August 2023.  However on both the land at 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road there are the Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants that restrict the land to not more than one dwellinghouse.  The validity of the  Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants and the class of neighbours entitled to benefit from it was tested in the Court Case Whitgift Homes Ltd & Ors v Pauline Stocks & Ors where similar  Restrictive Covenants was upheld which legally prevented development on the land at 14 and 16 Ruffetts Close.


Croham Valley Road – Lower Part Where There’s Been All the Construction

Numerous residents have complained about blocking of the road with all the construction workers vehicles being parked on both sides of the road – some residents want double yellow line along the whole road, other have complained to our Councillors.  Although all construction is complete there are now a good number of cars now parking on both sides of the road causing limited obstruction.


Planning Area C


155 Ballards Way

Whilst the above-mentioned Appeal is pending the developer has submitted a new alternative planning application which is for alterations / extensions to the existing property and then the subdivision of the property into 2 three bedroom houses.  The affected next door neighbour is neutral with regard to this latest proposal and as such the CVRA has not objected.  Subsequently the application was approved on the 2nd February 2022 under the Planning Departments delegated authority.  Work has commenced on the site for the alterations and extensions to the existing property and then conversion into 2 three bedroom houses, work is almost complete.


11 Chapel View

This new planning application is for the erection of a very large outbuilding in the rear garden measuring 9 metres by 9 metres for use as a gym / office and has in all probability the potential to never be used for the purpose indicated on the planning application based upon the owners track record at this property of letting rooms out.  The owner of this property is currently advertising multi rooms of accommodation on Airbnb at this property; this proposed structure will in all probability be used for this very purpose.


It now seems that under this type of application residents cannot make objections with the following statement on the Councils online planning site:


This notifies the Council of proposed work or development not needing its permission. The Council will not be approving or refusing the proposal, so comments are not invited.


This is totally unacceptable; I’ve sent an email to both the case officer and the head of Development Management expressing concerns that a structure of this size doesn’t need planning approval and also the very real concerns over the future use of this outbuilding with the probably renting out of rooms.


142 Croham Valley Road

Residents have raised an issue that the owners of this semi-detached bungalow are running an Indian take away business from a building in their rear garden which has resulted in vermin including rats.  I’ve advised the residents to contact Environmental Services which has been done, also there are bound to be Health and Safety issues.  An inspector did visit the property; however the owners said that they were no longer running the take away business from there.  Subsequently they have started cooking again on a more limited basis.  Nearby residents are keeping a close eye on this matter.


6-8 The Gallop

This new planning application from Macar Developments is for the demolition of 2 small detached bungalows and the erection of 4 two storey 4 bedroom semi-detached houses with accommodation in the room spaces and a terrace of 5 two storey 3 bedroom houses.  This is a massive overdevelopment of the site that will add 31 bedrooms and potentially 44 persons.  Even before the application had been submitted 8 The Gallop had been cleared of trees including specialist trees of 2 silver birches and a pine tree that should have been saved.    The developer has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department, however the Planning Department has not yet replied to the developer.  The CVRA has already lodged an objection and Cllr Helen Pollard has raised a Councillor referral.  This application went before the Planning Committee on 13th January 2022 where David Rutherford spoke on behalf of the CVRA and the 306 local resident objectors as did our local Cllr Robert Ward and all 4 of the Conservative Councillors on the committee spoke against and voted against the application.  When it came to the vote it was tied at 4 in favour 4 against including the Chair, however the Chair used his additional casting vote to approve the application.  Some residents are considering going through the Council’s complaints process which has 3 separate stages, after which if there’s no satisfaction you can then go formally to the Local Government Ombudsman with a complaint.  The developer has on the 8th April 2022 submitted details of their Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) which has subsequently been approved.  Also a number of further discharge notices have been submitted 26th May 2022 which have subsequently been approved on the 24th August 2022A further discharge notice was submitted in August 2022 which has subsequently been approved on the 20th October 2022.  Further discharge notices were submitted 6th March 2023 which have been subsequently approved on the 20th June 2023.


46 The Gallop

I’m advising you of yet another new planning application on this site by the same developer for the partial demolition and extensions to the existing bungalow upwards and to the side and rear to create one 3 bedroom dwelling and one 5 bedroom dwelling, effectively a pair of semi-detached houses in a two storey building with also accommodation in the roof space with one parking spaces for each house.  The developer already has obtained planning approval on this same site for a pair of semi-detached houses of one 3 Bedroom and one 2 bedroom as detailed below.  There’s concern that both proposed semi-detached houses have studies, in the 3 bedroom property it’s on the 2nd floor which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 4 bedroom property, in the 5 bedroom property the study is on the ground floor but unusually there’s a full bathroom next to this study which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 6 bedroom property.  There have been 28 objections and the CVRA has asked for this application to be referred to the Planning Committee for decision.  At the Planning Sub-Committee meeting on the 14th September 2023 the application was approved in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward.  As a result of this application being approved the application below will not be followed through with, particularly as 5 new discharge notices have been submitted that are currently pending for the construction of this application.


46 The Gallop

This new planning application has been submitted by the developer Red Banksia for the partial demolition and extensions to the side and rear of the existing single storey bungalow to become a two storey building with also accommodation in the roof space to create 1 two bedroom dwelling and 1 three bedroom dwelling with a total of two parking spaces, effectively changing the bungalow to a 3 storey pair of semi-detached houses.  A number of local residents will be objecting plus your Residents Association and hopefully one of the local Councillors will raise a referral.  This is the same developer that’s constructing the terrace of 4 houses in the rear garden of 55 Crest Road fronting on to Croham Valley Road and in this case is hedging his bets by submitting two similar applications at the same time.  There have been 24 resident objections to this application.  This application went before the Planning Sub Committee meeting on the 6th April 2023 and was approved.  5 Discharge notices have now been approved.


1 The Ruffetts

This new planning application is for the erection of a pair of two storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses plus accommodation in the roof space to the rear of the existing property 1 The Ruffetts.  Strangely part of the roof space has a room allocated as being a writing area but could easily be another bedroom meaning in reality it’s a pair of 4 bedroom houses.  Of further concern is that this proposed development borders directly on to the approved development in the rear garden of 55 Crest Road for a terrace of 4 houses.  There have been 46 resident objections to this application plus the CVRA and a Councillor referral.  This planning application was heard at the Planning Sub Committee on the 1st December 2022 where David Rutherford spoke as an objector on behalf of the Croham Valley Residents Association (CVRA) and the local resident objectors as did our local Councillor Robert Ward, unfortunately the Sub Committee approved the application by a vote of 3 to 2 with one abstention.  Subsequently the site with the planning approval for the pair of semi-detached houses in the rear garden plus the original host property has been put up for sale at £1050K this month.  Discharge notices were submitted on the 10th March 2023 which were refused permission.  Three amended discharge notices were submitted on the 4th July 2023 which have subsequently been approved.


1 The Ruffetts

There are a couple of new applications as regards the existing detached property for the demolition of existing extensions and the erection of a new single storey rear extension and the erection of a single storey side extension.


29 The Ruffetts

The owner of this property continues to be a problem in that the approval obtained for the erection of a single / two storey front /side / rear extensions in December 2020, however it has not been built in accordance with the approved plans hence there has been the need for a new retrospective planning application, which many local residents are against, there have been 39 resident objections to this retrospective application, as they would like it built in accordance with the original approval.  The owner of this property has now amended the plans in the proposed retrospective planning application which is all about the owner of this property building what he wants and not what was approved and expecting to get approval after the event which is totally unacceptable and as a result of this having to go out for further comments there are now 78 objections.  The bad news is that at the Planning Sub-Committee on the 3rd August 2023 that the Committee approved the retrospective  planning application in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward.  Further the owner of this property has now started construction of a large brick built outbuilding in the rear garden without any planning approval which has been reported to Development Management in order that hopefully Planning Enforcement officer will visit the property.


Planning Other


Restrictive Covenants


The following properties have either planning approval but not yet developed or have pending planning applications that are awaiting decision or are being prepared for the submission of planning applications.  All of these properties have Restrictive Covenants that restrict the sites to either only having one dwelling either detached or semi-detached and if enforced could potentially stop the sites being developed.  However restrictive covenants are a complicated legal business and can only be enforced by properties under the Touch and Concern rule (nearby but don’t have to necessarily physically adjoin) unless it can be proved that it was a Building Scheme.  Also taking legal action to enforce covenants can be expensive plus there’s always the risk that a developer might appeal the decision which would further add to the costs.  A potential cheaper alternative is to take out an Injunction to enforce the Restrictive Covenant.  Meanwhile we’re letting affected residents write to the developers making them aware of the Restrictive Covenants, reserving the right taking further action if they’re going to proceed with the development in the hope they will walk away.  Jeremy has investigated using the legal cover one has with many household insurance policies, the indication from his insurer was positive but one would need to be certain if one was to go down this route:


  • Underwood, Ballards Farm Rd Whitgift Educational Foundation
  • 14, 16 & 18 Castlemaine Avenue Whitgift Educational Foundation
  • 55 Crest Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
  • 80 Croham Road Whitgift Educational Foundation
  • 35 Croham Valley Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
  • 37 Croham Valley Road The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd


Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations (CARA)

This recently set up Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations have held a number of Zoom Meetings which has been very useful with sharing information with a number of interesting things coming out these meetings and subsequent email exchanges across the Group.


Croydon Local Plan Review

Due to be adopted in 2022, the review will update the vision and strategy for Croydon’s growth up to 2039 and set out how the council will continue to deliver much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities.

The first stage of the review was to gain feedback from the community with a period of consultation referred to as the Issues and Options consultation.  This took place between November 2019 and January 2020 and is now closed.

All representations made during the consultation period are now being reviewed and will be used by the Spatial Plan to shape the Local Plan Review Preferred Option.

The Preferred Option will be published during a second period of consultation late 2020.  At this time a summary of what we heard during the Issues and Options consultation and the subsequent decisions that have been actioned will also be published.

The Local Plan Review was to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination early in 2021 and adopted in early 2022 but there’s slippage on the dates.

However, as a result of now having a hung Council and a newly elected Conservative Democratically Elected Mayor, the local plan review will for sure be revisited.

Further information on the status of the review will be uploaded on to the Council site as the programme continues.

Croydon – Local Plan Partial Review – Call for Evidence on Local Green Spaces


Only site within our area that was under this category is The Ruffet, which many residents provided information back to the Council on why this site should have some level of protection to safeguard it from potential development.  We’re still waiting to hear if this has been successful.


Planning Review: September 2023

Update: 25 September 2023

Croydon Planning – Major Changes Detected

Since the local elections on the 5th May 2022 across the South of the Borough there have been 134 planning applications up for decision that have been submitted by developers where the proposal was for the demolition of detached properties to be replaced with up to 9 flats or a mixture of up to 9 units of both flats and houses. Of these 134 applications 104 applications have been refused planning approval under either the Council’s Delegated Authority or at Planning Committee meetings, with another 11 applications having been withdrawn and only 19 applications being approved.

Further since the 5th May 2022 local elections across the South of the Borough there are currently 29 new planning applications submitted by developers for the demolition of detached properties across the South of the Borough which have not yet been determined with 17 applications for houses, 2 applications for a mixture of both flats and houses and only 10 applications for flats.

Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2

Following Labour’s removal from power in Croydon in May, the new Conservative administration has been delivering on their planning promises. The hated Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document SPD2, a developers’ charter, has now been scrapped. Planning decisions are now being properly made after careful examination, instead of simply being waved through by Labour Councillors with no proper thought.

Brick x Brick

October 2021 now understand from Cllr Jason Perry that the Council will not be selling Brick x Brick.
Over 25 pending Brick x Brick planning applications to build on Council owned land have since the May 2022 local elections now been withdrawn.

Planning Area A

The Croft, 3 Binfield Road
This planning application is for the demolition of the existing bungalow and replacing it with a pair of semi detached houses, one a 5 bedroom the other a 3 bedroom, which was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 10th July 2020. In September 2021 a Section 73 notice was submitted to change the approved plans by removing the inset balconies and amending the forecourt layout and other minor changes, this was approved on the 6th July 2022

The Croft, 3 Binfield Road
This new planning application is an alternative to the above-mentioned application which is already approved but no work has commenced and is for a full width rear extension (19.2 Metres) by 5.3 metres in depth. The proposal has been approved on the 28th February 2023 under General Permitted Development.

15A Campden Road
This planning application is for the development of the land beside 15 Campden Road which has been vacant for a good number of years, although in March 2017 there was a planning approval granted for 5 flats which has now lapsed but did established a presumption of development on the site. The new proposal is also for 5 flats with 2 parking spaces and as expected this Planning Application was Approved under Planning Dept delegated authority on the 7th August 2020. As a number of discharge notices have now been approved it’s expected that construction will commence shortly.

Land R/O 14, 16, & 18 Castlemaine Avenue
This new planning application is for the demolition of the existing garage and swimming pool adjacent to 18 Castlemaine Avenue and formation of vehicular access to rear, and erection of two pairs of semi-detached, 3-bed houses, together with associated access, parking, amenity space and landscaping on the land to the rear of 14 to 18 Castlemaine Avenue.[read more]This is back garden development that borders on to properties in both Castlemaine Avenue and Melville Avenue which will add 12 bedrooms and potentially 20 persons. There has never been any previous back garden development in Castlemaine Avenue; this proposal is total out of character with the area. Also these properties and the related land have Whitgift Educational Foundation restrictive covenants. Currently there have been 31 resident objections to this application plus the CVRA and a Councillor referral. Subsequently the developer has lodged an Appeal on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed. This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021. This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting. Croydon Council has on the 25th November 2022 Contested the Appeal on a number of grounds which would be the basis for refusing the application and will hopefully lead to a Dismissal of the Appeal by the Planning Inspectorate. The Appeal is now in progress.
Good news the Appeal was dismissed 9th August 2023.[/read]

80 Croham Road
This planning application is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of two buildings, one of 6 flats with 3 parking bays the other for a terrace of 3 houses with 3 parking bays which by virtue of its bulk, mass and poor design will create an overbearing incompatible development. This follows the withdrawal of an earlier application for 2 buildings comprising of a total of 9 flats. The owner of this property has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department. [read more]
This application went before the Planning Committee on the 22nd April 2021 at which it was approved. There’re Whitgift Educational Foundation Restrictive Covenants on this property. Also the site has gone up for sale with Foxtons for £2.5 million. I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to both the owner of 80 Croham Road and Foxtons, these letters put both parties on notice of the Restrictive Covenants, also reserving the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection. Subsequently the property was then being marketed with Appleton Estates at the reduced figure of £1.8 million and was initially under offer. Again a number of nearby residents have sent similar letters to those mentioned earlier. Property listed again with Appleton Estates at a reduced figure of £1.6 million and is now under offer. This latest offer appears to have fallen through as the site is now being listed for sale with Connect UK at a reduced guide price of £1.2 million and is now subsequently Sold STC. The agent on behalf of Alim Properties submitted a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) on the 16th May 2022 which has been subsequently been refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority as it was not satisfactory in a number of aspects.[/read]

Melville Avenue, Old Palace of John Whitgift School
It has just been announced that the school will close permanently in August 2025 as the school has been struggling financially for many years, and the Foundation has supported the school from its general reserves in the expectation that the financial situation would improve at some point. There will be concern over the potential development of this large site.

21 Melville Avenue
The approved planning application is for the demolition of the existing property replacing it with a building of 7 flats with 6 parking bays. The existing bungalow has been demolished and the site cleared ready for construction.
However, the planning approval has now lapsed.

Land the Rear of 7 – 9 Spencer Road
This new planning application has been submitted by Edgewater Group for the erection of a two storey building comprising 2 three bedroom semi-detached houses on the land to the rear which is currently car parking for the residents of 7 and 9 Spencer Road, this will result in the loss of the existing 10 off road parking spaces, having the effect of forcing up to 10 more vehicles to park on limited controlled parking spaces on Spencer Road. One of our local Councillors has already raised a referral.
The good news is this application was refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority on the 30th June 2023.

Planning Area B

Land the Rear of Roselea Cottage, Ballards Farm Road
This new planning application has been submitted by the owners of this house for the construction of a granny annexe in the rear garden with the main house having had considerable extensions.

This so called granny annexe will in all probability not be for the reasons stated in the application but will be to establish further rental accommodation for students (one can only guess how many students might be in this proposed outbuilding) and the house may potentially become a HMO. This is based upon that at least two double rooms, in the existing house were recently being advertised for rent for students, advert as follows:[read more]

“There are two double rooms available in a beautiful detached house, located in a quiet area surrounded by woods and trees. The property has one big living room, a spacious conservatory, 3 bathrooms and one modern kitchen for tenants to share. The friendly and easy-going landlord live in the extension part of the house separating from the rented space, so you can enjoy your privacy and at the same time get help from the landlord easily when it is necessary. The house has a very big garden where you can play basketball or have barbecue during your free time. It is 5-10 minutes walk to the nearest bus station and it takes you 10-15minutes to East Croydon station”. The good news is that the application was refused under the Planning Dept delegated authority on the 6th July 2023. Since this refusal there has been a lot of work going in the rear garden of this property with large lorries both delivering / removing waste with trees taken down, such that 5 neighbouring residents have complained, I’ve asked planning enforcement to check this out, particularly as there are tree preservation orders (TPO’s) on 7 trees in the rear garden. [/read]

Land the Rear of Underwood, Ballards Farm RoadThis new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is back garden development for the erection of a terrace of 3 three storey 4 bedroom houses with 4 off road parking spaces. There will be the loss of 11 mature trees to enable this development to take place. [read more] There have been 55 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral. Like with 14, 16 & 18 Castlemaine Avenue application this developer has lodged an Appeal on the 16th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed. This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021. This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting. The Appeal is now in progress.[/read]

Underwood, Ballards Farm Road
This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is in addition to the afore-mentioned development on the Underwood site. This is for the erection of a single storey side and rear extension, two storey front extension and then conversion into 4 flats with 4 off road parking spaces. There have been 46 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral. [read more]Like with the afore-mentioned application the developer has lodged an Appeal on the 16th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed. This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021. This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting. The Appeal is now in progress.[/read]

Land the Rear of Underwood, Ballards Farm Road
This new planning application has been submitted by Sterling Rose Homes which is in addition to the two afore-mentioned planning applications that are currently pending. This latest application is a back garden development for the Erection of a Terrace of 3 Three Storey 4 Bedroom Houses and an adjoining building of four storeys with 6 two bedroom flats with an overall total of 9 parking spaces. [read more]
The earlier pending back garden development on this site had a loss of 11 mature trees, as this latest proposal is much larger the loss of mature trees will be even greater. To date there have been 34 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral. Like the two other applications on the same site, the developer has lodged an Appeal on the 12th January 2023 on the basis of Non-Determination within time allowed. This is what some of the developers are doing when the Council has not complied with its own deadlines, which in many cases is the situation in Croydon, as they are still dealing with some applications from early 2021. This will now potentially mean that the application will be referred direct to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will now make the decision without Croydon having the ability to make its own decision under either their delegated authority powers or at the planning committee meeting. The Appeal is now in progress[/read]

Coombe Lane, Royal Russell School
This new planning application is for the demolition of existing Junior School with the erection of replacement Junior School including Multi-Use Games Area, sports pitch, play and landscaped areas, access and plant, and other associated works.

This proposed development has again raised the issue of the rear gate from the school in Hollingsworth Road, particularly as both the pre application and the resultant full planning application misrepresent the fact that there’s an access route into this road. The situation is that school numbers will increase where at both around 8am and 4pm daily during school days parents are charging up the road causing total gridlock with around 50 additional cars in this cul-de-sac with parents competing for space nearest the gate, blocking residents driveways etc. There are very serious safety concerns that this is a bad accident waiting to happen, as there was a recent situation of a pupil running out of the gate and into the side of a moving car and not to mention the number of prangs to residents cars due to the inconsiderate behavior of parents dropping off and picking up their children and having to turn around. Residents would either like the gate totally closed off or some form of strong restriction on the road that would prevent parent’s cars entering Hollingsworth Road.

Land the Rear of 128 Coombe Lane
This new planning application has been submitted by the owner of 128 Coombe Lane which is back garden development for the erection of a pair of 2 storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses with 3 off road parking spaces; demolition of existing garage to provide access to the rear. A number of local residents are objecting plus your Residents Association. To date there have been 18 resident objections plus your Residents Association and a local Councillor referral. The good news is that the Planning Dept has under its delegated authority refused the application on the 9th February 2023.
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal decision on the 26th June 2023 which will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.

Land R/O 55 Crest Road Fronting on to Croham Valley Road
This planning application was submitted by the developer Red Banksia is for the erection of a terrace of 4 two storey 3 bedroom houses with accommodation in the roof space in the rear garden of this property fronting on to Croham Valley Road. This is a massive overdevelopment of the site which will add 12 bedrooms and potentially 20 persons without providing any off road parking. Prior to this latest application going before the Committee for decision the owners of 55 Crest Road sold the bottom part of their back garden to Blue Banksia Ltd. [read more]
The application received 196 objections including 3 objections from the owners of 55 Crest Road, as that it was assumed by the owners of 55 Crest Road that when they sold part of their rear garden to Blue Banksia Ltd that they would just build the approved 4 bedroom detached house, however the developer obviously had other plans for the site. This planning application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 21st October 2021 where it was approved by a vote of 3 to 2. This is also another property where there are Walton Heath Land Company Ltd Restrictive Covenants where I’ve drafted letters for the surrounding residents to send to Blue Banksia Ltd. These letters advise Blue Banksia Ltd of the Restrictive Covenants and reference to prior court case Whitgift Homes & Ors vs Pauline Stocks & Ors where almost identical Walton Heath Land Company Ltd Restrictive Covenants where upheld by the court even upon appeal which prevented development in Ruffetts Close, also the letters reserve the right to take necessary further measures to protect their interests in this connection and further advise should they decide to on sell this plot of land with the planning approval, that they are under notice from us that all potential buyers must be advised by them or anyone acting on their behalf of the Restrictive Covenants and the Court Case upholding the Restrictive Covenants. A number of the nearby residents that wrote to the developer have just heard from the developers Solicitors asking some questions which I’ve drafted the appropriate reply for the residents to send. The developer has submitted 6 discharge notices on the 23rd May 2022 which has only been partly approved with the remainder not being approved. Clearly the developer has ignored the threat of action over the Restrictive Covenants. The Developer has started construction on the site which shouldn’t have happened, as they don’t have an approved Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) to permit construction. I’ve reported the issue of construction to the head of Development Management for action. The developer has submitted 5 new discharge notices which are currently pending, presumably to regularize the situation of the discharge notices, however these are part approved / part not approved. This developer has now built the houses without ever having the appropriate approved discharge notices in place, in spite of this issue being reported to the head of the Planning Dept.
The developer has submitted 3 discharge notices on the 29th March 2023 which have subsequently been refused approval on the 12th May 2023. The Developer has now submitted 3 new discharge notices on the 19th June and 12th July 2023 which are currently pending approval. Subsequently the 19th June 2023 discharge notice with regard to materials has been refused but the trees and landscaping were approved.[/read]

Land R/O 4 Croham Valley Road
The Croham Hurst Golf Club EGM has taken place with the approval of immediately selling the land at the rear of 4 Croham Valley Road to the developer Turnbull with the further intention of selling the house at 4 CVR sometime later.

5 Croham Valley Road
Planning approval was granted on the 27th February 2020 at the Planning Committee meeting for the demolition of the existing house and the erection two blocks of 3 houses with accommodation in the roof spaces. One block will front on to Croham Valley Road being 4 floors 4 bedroom houses with only 2 parking bays, the other block will front on to Ballards Farm Road being 3 floor 3 bedroom houses with 2 parking bays. Construction of the shell of the terrace of houses fronting on to Ballards Farm Road is complete with the terrace of house fronting on to Croham Valley Road having the shell of the houses almost completed for a 3 storey building.[read more]

At the same time Sterling Rose continue to try to change the design of the 3 houses fronting Croham Valley Road from 4 floors to 3 floor houses and a changed layout and to what we consider to be a better appearance but have not been successful in obtaining approval up to now and are on their third attempt of trying to get the change approved as a non material change which of course it isn’t.

The latest supposed non material change was refused on the 17th September 2021 which will give Sterling Rose a major problem as they’ve completed construction is based upon a 3 storey building of a different design and not the 4 storey building that was approved. This has the potential to be another 54 Arkwright Road situation – see later entry under CARA. As a result of asking Planning Enforcement to look into this, they’ve advised that Sterling Rose will now have to submit a new planning application to try to get retrospective planning approval, which has now been submitted under a Section 73a Minor Material Amendment (Retrospective), plus they also want to remove the planning approval condition of yellow lines on this part of Croham Valley Road as they’re only permitted to have two parking spaces. There have been 26 objections including the CVRA and a Councillor referral to this retrospective application.[/read]

Land R/O 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road – Fronting on to Ballards Rise
The above-mentioned outline planning application that’s currently pending approval, however the developer Silverleaf has also submitted another new outline planning application on the very same site for the erection of 2 two storey buildings with accommodation in the roof spaces comprising of a total of 4 large semi-detached houses with the provision of 6 parking spaces. The alternative proposal is almost the same size as the one for 8 flats and will add 15 bedrooms and potentially 24 persons, the same objection reasons apply equally to this alternative new application. [read more]
More details as regards the Restrictive Covenants are in the prior item above.
This application went before the Planning Sub-Committee on the 11th August 2022 and was refused permission with three Labour Councillors voting in favour of approval and three Conservative Councillors voting against approval with the Conservative Chair using his Casting vote to refuse. I spoke as an Objector in person at the meeting on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents, as did our ward Councillor Michael Neal. The developer Silverleaf has on the 28th October 2022 lodged an Appeal against refusal of the planning permission, which has subsequently been validated in December 2022; this appeal will now be decided upon by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol. The Appeal is now in progress.
Unfortunately the Appeal was allowed on the 23rd August 2023. However on both the land at 35 and 37 Croham Valley Road there are the Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants that restrict the land to not more than one dwellinghouse. The validity of the Walton Heath Land Company Limited Restrictive Covenants and the class of neighbours entitled to benefit from it was tested in the Court Case Whitgift Homes Ltd & Ors v Pauline Stocks & Ors where the Restrictive Covenants was upheld which legally prevented development on the land at 14 and 16 Ruffetts Close.[/read]

Croham Valley Road – Lower Part Where There’s All the Construction
Numerous residents have complained about blocking of the road with all the construction workers vehicles being parked on both sides of the road – some residents want double yellow line along the whole road, other have complained to our Councillors.

24 Ruffetts Close
This new planning application is for the demolition of an outbuilding with the erection of a large part single storey, part two storey side/rear extensions. The CVRA has decided to not object to this application; however some of the residents in Ruffetts Close have objected. The Planning Dept has under its delegated authority refused the application on the following basis:[read more]
The proposed development would result in an excessive large extension which would fail to be subservient to the host dwelling and would result in an urbanising effect which would negatively impact upon the street scene. Furthermore the proposed roof form of the rear extension would fail to successfully integrate with the roof form of the side extension by way of creating an awkward and unsightly junction between these elements which would result in an incongruous feature. The proposed development would therefore in harm to both the host dwelling and the character and appearance of the area contrary to Policies SP4 and DM10 of the Croydon Local Plan 2018 and Policy D3 of the London Plan 2021.

Subsequently there has been a new planning application submitted for a smaller single side / rear extension which is currently pending decision. This latest application was also refused on the 11th April 2023.[/read]

Planning Area C

155 Ballards Way
Whilst the above-mentioned Appeal is pending the developer has submitted a new alternative planning application which is for alterations / extensions to the existing property and then the subdivision of the property into 2 three bedroom houses. The affected next door neighbour is neutral with regard to this latest proposal and as such the CVRA has not objected. Subsequently the application was approved on the 2nd February 2022 under the Planning Departments delegated authority. Work has commenced on the site for the alterations and extensions to the existing property and then conversion into 2 three bedroom houses, work is almost complete.

142 Croham Valley Road
Residents have raised an issue that the owners of this semi-detached bungalow are running an Indian take away business from a building in their rear garden which has resulted in vermin including rats. I’ve advised the residents to contact Environmental Services which has been done, also there are bound to be Health and Safety issues. An inspector did visit the property; however the owners said that they were no longer running the take away business from there. Subsequently they have started cooking again on a more limited basis. Nearby residents are keeping a close eye on this matter.

6-8 The Gallop
This new planning application from Macar Developments is for the demolition of 2 small detached bungalows and the erection of 4 two storey 4 bedroom semi-detached houses with accommodation in the room spaces and a terrace of 5 two storey 3 bedroom houses. This is a massive overdevelopment of the site that will add 31 bedrooms and potentially 44 persons. [read more]
Even before the application had been submitted 8 The Gallop had been cleared of trees including specialist trees of 2 silver birches and a pine tree that should have been saved. The developer has already paid for Planning Pre-Application advice from the Planning Department, however the Planning Department has not yet replied to the developer. The CVRA has already lodged an objection and Cllr Helen Pollard has raised a Councillor referral. This application went before the Planning Committee on 13th January 2022 where David Rutherford spoke on behalf of the CVRA and the 306 local resident objectors as did our local Cllr Robert Ward and all 4 of the Conservative Councillors on the committee spoke against and voted against the application. When it came to the vote it was tied at 4 in favour 4 against including the Chair, however the Chair used his additional casting vote to approve the application. Some residents are considering going through the Council’s complaints process which has 3 separate stages, after which if there’s no satisfaction you can then go formally to the Local Government Ombudsman with a complaint. The developer has on the 8th April 2022 submitted details of their Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) which has subsequently been approved. Also a number of further discharge notices have been submitted 26th May 2022 which have subsequently been approved on the 24th August 2022. A further discharge notice was submitted in August 2022 which has subsequently been approved on the 20th October 2022.
Further discharge notices were submitted 6th March 2023 which have been subsequently approved on the 20th June 2023.[/read]

46 The Gallop
This new planning application has been submitted by the developer Red Banksia for the partial demolition and extensions to the side and rear of the existing single storey bungalow to become a two storey building with also accommodation in the roof space to create 1 two bedroom dwelling and 1 three bedroom dwelling with a total of two parking spaces, effectively changing the bungalow to a 3 storey pair of semi-detached houses. A number of local residents will be objecting plus your Residents Association and hopefully one of the local Councillors will raise a referral. This is the same developer that’s constructing the terrace of 4 houses in the rear garden of 55 Crest Road fronting on to Croham Valley Road and in this case is hedging his bets by submitting two similar applications at the same time. There have been 24 resident objections to this application. This application went before the Planning Sub Committee meeting on the 6th April 2023 and was approved.
5 Discharge notices have now been approved.

46 The Gallop
I’m advising you of yet another new planning application on this site by the same developer for the partial demolition and extensions to the existing bungalow upwards and to the side and rear to create one 3 bedroom dwelling and one 5 bedroom dwelling, effectively a pair of semi-detached houses in a two storey building with also accommodation in the roof space with one parking spaces for each house. The developer already has obtained planning approval on this same site for a pair of semi-detached houses of one 3 Bedroom and one 2 bedroom as detailed below. There’s concern that both proposed semi-detached houses have studies, in the 3 bedroom property it’s on the 2nd floor which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 4 bedroom property, in the 5 bedroom property the study is on the ground floor but unusually there’s a full bathroom next to this study which could easily be a bedroom potentially making this a 6 bedroom property. There have been 28 objections and the CVRA has asked for this application to be referred to the Planning Committee for decision. At the Planning Sub-Committee meeting on the 14th September 2023 the application was approved in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward.

1 The Ruffetts
This new planning application is for the erection of a pair of two storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses plus accommodation in the roof space to the rear of the existing property 1 The Ruffetts. Strangely part of the roof space has a room allocated as being a writing area but could easily be another bedroom meaning in reality it’s a pair of 4 bedroom houses. Of further concern is that this proposed development borders directly on to the approved development in the rear garden of 55 Crest Road for a terrace of 4 houses. There have been 46 resident objections to this application plus the CVRA and a Councillor referral. This planning application was heard at the Planning Sub Committee on the 1st December 2022 where David Rutherford spoke as an objector on behalf of the Croham Valley Residents Association (CVRA) and the local resident objectors as did our local Councillor Robert Ward, unfortunately the Sub Committee approved the application by a vote of 3 to 2 with one abstention. Subsequently the site with the planning approval for the pair of semi-detached houses in the rear garden plus the original host property has been put up for sale at £1050K this month.
Discharge notices were submitted on the 10th March 2023 which were refused permission. Three amended discharge notices were submitted on the 4th July 2023 which have subsequently been approved.

29 The Ruffetts
The owner of this property continues to be a problem in that the approval obtained for the erection of a single / two storey front /side / rear extensions in December 2020, however it has not been built in accordance with the approved plans hence there has been the need for a new retrospective planning application, which many local residents are against, there have been 39 resident objections to this retrospective application, as they would like it built in accordance with the original approval.
The owner of this property has now amended the plans in the proposed retrospective planning application which is all about the owner of this property building what he wants and not what was approved and expecting to get approval after the event which is totally unacceptable and as a result of this having to go out for further comments there are now 78 objections. The bad news is that at the Planning Sub-Committee on the 3rd August 2023 that the Committee approved the retrospective planning application in spite of David Rutherford speaking on behalf of the CVRA and the local residents as an objector as did our local Councillor Robert Ward.

Planning Other

Restrictive Covenants
The following properties have either planning approval but not yet developed or have pending planning applications that are awaiting decision or are being prepared for the submission of planning applications. All of these properties have Restrictive Covenants that restrict the sites to either only having one dwelling either detached or semi-detached and if enforced could potentially stop the sites being developed. [read more] However restrictive covenants are a complicated legal business and can only be enforced by properties under the Touch and Concern rule (nearby but don’t have to necessarily physically adjoin) unless it can be proved that it was a Building Scheme. Also taking legal action to enforce covenants can be expensive plus there’s always the risk that a developer might appeal the decision which would further add to the costs. A potential cheaper alternative is to take out an Injunction to enforce the Restrictive Covenant. Meanwhile we’re letting affected residents write to the developers making them aware of the Restrictive Covenants, reserving the right taking further action if they’re going to proceed with the development in the hope they will walk away. Jeremy has investigated using the legal cover one has with many household insurance policies, the indication from his insurer was positive but one would need to be certain if one was to go down this route:[/read]

    • Underwood,Ballards Farm Road  Whitgift Educational Foundation
    • 14, 16 & 18 Castlemaine Avenue   Whitgift Educational Foundation
    • 55 Crest Road                                        The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
    • 80 Croham Road                                  Whitgift Educational Foundation
    • 35 Croham Valley Road                     The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd
    • 37 Croham Valley Road                     The Walton Heath Land Company Ltd

Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations (CARA)
This recently set up Croydon Alliance of Residents’ Associations have held a number of Zoom Meetings which has been very useful with sharing information with a number of interesting things coming out these meetings and subsequent email exchanges across the Group, particularly as follows:

Following a local resident taking Croydon Council to Court under a Judicial Review process, a High Court judge has ruled against Croydon’s Panning Department, quashing the decision of a senior council official to grant permission for a block of flats in Sanderstead at 54 Arkwright Road.

This makes very interesting reading, particularly as we’ve a potentially similar situation with 5 Croham Valley Road.

The following is the web link to the story in Inside Croydon:



Unspent Infrastructure Levies
It has come to light that Croydon Council is sitting on £22500K on unspent infrastructure levies. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 Contributions are the monies paid by developers in return for being allowed planning permission for their proposed schemes. This was featured in Inside Croydon following an investigation by Property Week covering London boroughs, as Councils now have to publish an annual infrastructure funding statements, or IFS.

  • The link to the article is:
  • Another concern is that Planning Enforcement has become an issue due to lack of staff, particularly where flats are being built.
    There are currently a number of sites where contractors / developers are working and breaching decision / conditions and planning law. emails to Planning Enforcement are coming back – we have few staff now for the south.
    Ward Councillors and the Tory Opposition leader to take it up with the Chief Executive and the Executive Director Place – to recruit more staff. Approved Inspectors are just as bad in not complying with the Building Regulations.

Croydon Local Plan Review
Due to be adopted in 2022, the review will update the vision and strategy for Croydon’s growth up to 2039 and set out how the council will continue to deliver much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities.
The first stage of the review was to gain feedback from the community with a period of consultation referred to as the Issues and Options consultation. This took place between November 2019 and January 2020 and is now closed.
All representations made during the consultation period are now being reviewed and will be used by the Spatial Plan to shape the Local Plan Review Preferred Option.
The Preferred Option will be published during a second period of consultation late 2020. At this time a summary of what we heard during the Issues and Options consultation and the subsequent decisions that have been actioned will also be published.
The Local Plan Review was to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination early in 2021 and adopted in early 2022 but there’s slippage on the dates.
However, as a result of now having a hung Council and a newly elected Conservative Democratically Elected Mayor, the local plan review will I’m sure be revisited.
Further information on the status of the review will be uploaded on to the Council site as the programme continues.

Croydon – Local Plan Partial Review – Call for Evidence on Local Green Spaces
Only site within our area that was under this category is The Ruffet, which many residents provided information back to the Council on why this site should have some level of protection to safeguard it from potential development. We’re still waiting to hear if this has been successful.

The following article has been issued by the Croydon Conservatives (Major Jason Perry and Deputy Major & Chair Croydon Conservative Federation Lynne Hale) which makes very concerning reading for all residents of Croydon.

REVEALED: The true scale of Croydon Labour’s toxic financial mismanagement
Croydon Council has today had to issue a new Section 114 notice which states that the Council cannot set a balanced budget next year with the resources it has. This is a direct result of legacy issues from the previous Labour Administration bankrupting the Borough.

When Croydon Labour were in power they bankrupted the Council. Whilst we all knew the situation was bad, Labour were hiding just how bad it was.

Upon entering office in May, Mayor Jason Perry ordered the Council to “open the books” – which has revealed the true scale of Labour’s mismanagement. Official reports detail shocking “mistakes” made in the previous Administration’s budgets – which Labour claimed were “balanced” at the time.

These mistakes include:

Labour set estimates for parking income that they knew were totally unrealistic. The Council actual parking income is over £10 million less than the amount Labour budgeted for.

Croydon Labour sold Council-owned properties for £73 million. They spent all the money but got the accounting wrong and at least £9 million now needs to be paid back.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (‘LTNs’)
Croydon Labour’s budget forecast that the Council would make millions of pounds by implementing many new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. However they didn’t work out which roads these new LTNs would be implemented on. It later turned out that this would be impossible to deliver.

These mistakes will cost Council taxpayers ten of millions of pounds.

Croydon Council’s Debt
When Labour were voted out of power in May they also left £1.6 BILLION of debt. This costs £47 million to service every single year – roughly one sixth of the Council’s entire expenditure, or about four times what it costs to empty the bins.

Labour’s toxic legacy issues mean that next year we would have to cut Council spending by 40% – nearly half – which is not safe or sustainable.

We have already met with the Government’s Cabinet Minister in charge of local Councils. Together Croydon Council will work with the Government to work out a viable plan that will bring our Borough back to financial sustainability.

Fixing Labour’s Mess
The previous Labour Administration has left a legacy of unprecedented financial mismanagement toxic bad debt and a lack of governance and transparency that shames Croydon and continues to have a long-lasting impact on the sustainability of our Council.

Despite the hard work of Council staff the toxic level of Labour’s debt means that Croydon is trapped in a vicious cycle. Even with Government support the years ahead will be incredibly financially challenging for Croydon Council. Ultimately this will mean the Council needs to do and spend less with significant spending reductions in the coming years.

We are determined to fix what the previous failed Labour Administration broke and to protect our residents our staff and the Borough as much as possible but getting the Council back on track to recovery and long-term financial and operational sustainability will take a long time and need radical solutions.