
to the website of Croham Valley Residents’ Association.

The Association was set up in the early 1970s for the benefit of the local residents in the Croham area. It is a small organisation run by the local residents to provide information and support as needed. We produce a quarterly newsletter to all members and look forward to the continued support of all the local residents.

If you are not a member and live in CVRA area why not Join Us.

If you would like to discuss any issues with committee members or If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see please do Contact Us.

Chairman’s Chat

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Most of you will now have had our Spring Newsletter pushed through your letterbox. The rest will should receive yours, any day.

 As we say on the cover it is our last paper newsletter. Hopefully we have gone out with another informative letter updating on planning and other topical matters – such as our Councillors updating us at the AGM last year and our disapproval of a Low Traffic Network scheme for our area!
In addition we have an article explaining Croydon Council’s current residential housing planning policies plus an indication of the type of policies you may want your Mayoral candidates to be putting forward to try to help us manage how our area develops over the next few years. It is four days before the Mayoral Election.
In addition we have an article explaining Croydon Council’s current residential housing planning policies plus an indication of the type of policies you
may want your Mayoral candidates to be putting forward to try to help us manage how our area develops over the next few years. It is four days before the Mayoral Election.
We also have a questionnaire asking for your views on what you would want from your association going forward.

We also include a map from the sale particulars of the “Ballards and Heathfield Estate” in 1919. It is quite something to think that most of the area of the CVRA was owned by one individual just over 100 years ago.  How times have changed.

To receive future newsletter please let us have your email.

If you are not a member or if we do not have youe email, please let us have your details.
If you have any questions about our area contact us.
Your Views

The past 2 years have been extraordinarily difficult for everyone.
We have seen how
difficult times truly bring out the best of us. There was an increased number of
people informally volunteering with acts of kindness to support their
community. Now that we hope we are gradually living with our new normal,
we would like to stay connected, help out and become a stronger and more
connected community than ever before.
We are exploring new ideas to build a stronger community where we could meet, grow friendships, and feel supported to make the best of living in our Croham Valley area. We would like to get your thoughts about how we could do this.

Please would you give us 5 minutes of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, here?
Thank you.

Join Our Group



Croham Valley Residents Association




Covid-19 vaccination

Find your nearest Covid-19 vaccination walk-in clinicWalk-in clinics
are taking place across the borough – you don’t need an appointment but some sites may get busy so it is advised that you book via the
NHS National Booking Service.
Find a walk-in clinic
(Reproduced from “Your Croydon”)

South Croydon Traffic & Roads Survey
Big thank you to our Councillors Maria, Jason and Michael for undertaking the survey of the views of the residents of Campden Road, Croham Park Avenue, Castlemaine Avenue and Melville Avenue regarding traffic in our roads.These are the roads where we have had the most complaints so we thought that what we learnt here we could apply to the rest of the CVRA area.
Vast majority of the residents of these roads feel that there is too much speeding going on. In addition the majority also felt that there was too much “through traffic”.
The bad news is that the residents are not sure what should be done abut it. There is no majority for any of the “Low Traffic Neighbourhood” type restrictions. The reason this is bad news is that the Council, as far as I am aware, is not offering any concrete alternatives.There are no plans for speed cameras leading to fines on residential roads so we are stuck.

Croydon referendum: voters choose directly-elected mayor model

NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme in Croydon
Croydon residents among the first in the world to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Read More
NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme in Croydon.


CVRA newsletter is published in Spring, Summer,  Autumn and Winter.  It is distributed to all members of the Association.


We welcome membership to fund our activities. Membership is available to anyone within our area. Please support us by sending £4 by Bank Giro Credit or Standing order to:
Croham Valley Residents Association
Sort Code: 09-01-55
Account No: 63005602
Please do not forget to give your house number and road as the reference. Our membership year starts in the Spring.


The committee is chaired by Mr Jeremy Gill and he is supported by the committee.
Jeremy and his family have lived in the area since 1996.  His children have attended local schools and the family support local businesses and tradespeople whenever possible.

If you are interested in joining us please contact Jeremy.
The position of Vice -chair and Honorary Secretary are both VACANT.
Other members of the Committee.

Executive Mayor

Elected Mayor of Croydon
Jason Perry


The Southern part of our area – from the top of Croham Valley Road to the Bottom of Ballards Way – is part of the Selsdon and Addington Village Ward.  The ward returns two councillors every four years. The Councillors are;

photo of Councillor Robert WardCouncillor Robert Ward

The Northern part of our area – from Spencer Road to the beginning of Ballards Way -is in the  South Croydon Ward. The ward returns three councillors every four years.  The Councillors  are;

link to details of Councillor Michael NealCouncillor Michael Neal

Member of Parliament

Member of Parliament for Croydon South: Chris Philp (Conservative)
website: https://www.chrisphilp.com/
Contact details:

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Phone: 020 7219 8026
[email protected]


Our area is divided in to 3 zones, as shown here
We cover the area shown below; of the Croham Valley from Spencer Road to Farley Road and the Ballards Farm Estate through to the top of Ballards Way.
CVRA membership area ( https://www.google.co.uk/maps)

Useful Information

Police, council and NHS  details can be found here.